The Sixth Great Jedi War has concluded. In an effort to mop up outlying pockets of enemy resistance, the Consul and Proconsul have issued a decree. They have given each member in the clan a squad of commandos, a location and the mission to disrupt and destroy these pockets of resistance. Soldiers come by the dozen, equipped with what their superior officer commands of them. The locations are completely random, but remain within a short distance of the CSP system.
Retell your tale or bravery and/or dominance of these enemies of the Royal Clan.
Writing (must be submitted in .rtf)
Entries should be submitted in .rtf, font size should be no larger than 12, and all entries are to be greater than one page (single spaced).
E-mail entries to GRD Max(patriotslover[at]aol[dot]com) and PCON Braecen (bmcoffey13[at]aol[dot]com)
1st place
Prajna Berkana
2nd place