Competition: [GJW XVI Phase I] Fiction - Strange New Worlds

[GJW XVI Phase I] Fiction - Strange New Worlds
This competition is in the [GJW XVI Phase I] Fiction Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 3 points for your Clan. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 22.0% of placement points in this Phase. See the parent competition for detailed rules.


"Brothers. Sisters. We stand before the great turning point of our existence. When last we faced the Children they sought to use us, convert us, subjugate us, and extinguish the rest. What we do now is far more than just retribution for these crimes against all of us, our families, our friends, and our homes. This is a fight for the very essence of our reality. "
- Darth Nehalem

The events of the Fifteenth Great Jedi War left lasting scars on the home planets of the Brotherhood's Seven Clans. The enigmatic Children of Mortis were driven off by the combined efforts of the Clans and the Council's research into the nature of the terrible soul-fueled crystals used by the Children, but the Father's plan to break the chain and control the Force continues.

While the Children gather their forces and prepare for their grand ritual in the mysterious Ethereal Realm, the Brotherhood's Grand Master Darth Nehalem has been plagued by visions of his predecessor Lord Telaris Cantor, taunting him. Convinced that his former master is waiting for him in the Ethereal Realm, Darth Nehalem orders the construction of a massive gateway on Arx. The Council fears his obsession with Cantor will cloud his judgment even as the Brotherhood prepares to confront the Children on their own turf.


Participants must use one of the following prompts to craft their entry:

Ghosts of the Past
You have entered the Arx portal with a small scouting team and emerged on the other side in the Ethereal Realm. All around you is a ghostly mirrored version of Eos City. Throughout the haunted city are the “spirits”–projections of the Force–of people wronged in the real Eos City, including many who died in the Collective’s assault on Arx. The most dangerous are those who recognize you. You must face the past if you hope to survive. Utilize Enhanced Force Powers for Force users and Basic Force Powers for Non-Force users.

A Vision from the Future
You entered the gate in Eos City in 41 ABY, but the you who crossed in did not step out in the Ethereal Realm. Instead, your future self has arrived in the midst of the battle between the Brotherhood and Children of Mortis. You must find a way to return to your own time and place while surviving on a twisted battlefield of enemies and former allies who may not even recognize you.

Note: No snapshot is required for this option. This is not required, but feel free to use the Character Sheet Sandbox to build your future character and share the Character Sheet Sandbox Code along with your fiction!

The Ethereal Realm’s dangerous gravity has caused your personal ship to crash in one of the massive trenches of the Shattered Plains. You must fight your way out and up to rejoin the Brotherhood forces as they approach the deadly Corpse Fields. What you don’t realize is that the realm is testing you: something is confronting you with Force projections and fluctuating powers, changing from enhanced powers to no powers seemingly at random.


  • Entries must be submitted as a static file (e.g. .pdf, .txt, .docx) or using the submission box on the Brotherhood website. Google Docs links and other ‘live’ documents that can be edited after submission will be ineligible for placement.
    • If your entry is not PG-13, please make sure to hide your entry by unchecking the “Allow people to view your submission after the competition has been judged” box
  • Entries must be a minimum of 500 words. Any entries that are under 500 words will be ineligible for placement.
  • Your story must be centered on your main character or one of your alternative characters. Wikipedia NPCs, or other characters that you create or invent to tell your story are encouraged. However, your narrative should focus around either your main character or alternative character.
  • You must select and submit a snapshot of your main character or alternative character with your entry.
  • This competition will award up to four (4) bonus Clusters of Ice at a rate of 1 per 500 words, in addition to the normal clusters awarded for fiction competitions


Submitted entries will be graded using the Voice Fiction Rubric

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Great Jedi War XVI: Transcendence
Organized by
Lord Dacien Victae, Lord Idris Adenn
Running time
2023-08-26 until 2023-09-10 (16 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Novae and regular and bonus Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
44 subscribers, of which 28 have participated.
Qyreia Arronen
Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
General Zentru'la
File submission
Textual submission

Prompt chosen: Entrenched.

2nd place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
Justice Part 2-1.pdf
3rd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Strange New Worlds_Iron Zig_10214_Wally.pdf
Textual submission

Mixture of prompts.

4th place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
File submission
Selika (2632).pdf
5th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir opted out of publishing his submission.
6th place
Master Alaris Jinn
File submission
Textual submission

A Vision from the Future

7th place
8th place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
8th place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
GJX XVI P1 Fiction Phantom Pain.pdf
9th place
10th place
Captain Meero
Captain Meero
File submission
10th place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Nightsister Sinya Ani
Textual submission

GJW XVI Phase I] Fiction - Strange New Worlds

Now what?

Ethereal Realm
The Shattered Plains
ABY 41

The bleak sky of the Ethereal Realm turned from haze to black. As the light failed across the plain,a small blue Twi’lek sat cross legged in the bottom of a ravine.

“Now what?” she queried out loud to herself. The events of the day had not gone to plan and the diminutive Rutian was out of ideas. Here she was on an enemy world in a strange dimension, out of food, low on water, and even lower on hope.
“How did it come to this…”

16 hours earlier….

Ethereal Realm
Reflection of Eos
ABY 41

“Well, guess this is the place,” the diminutive Twi’lek said to her astomech as they exited the wormhole. A distorted version of the city of Eos lay before her, with its massive skyscrapers shimmering then momentarily blinking out, like a Holoprojection with an intermittent short circuit. The sensors showed a huge field stretching from the portal’s exit in all directions with a disorganized jumble of trenches criss-crossing the surface and floating land masses of various sizes hanging in the sky. In the distance was a fortress made of the same crystal infecting the Children of Mortise, and beyond that, the Chain.

The droid tweedled nervously as they continued to monitor the ship’s systems. The energy fluctuations and gravimetric anomalies already caused the droid distress while they worked fervently to make adjustments. “Don’t worry, R3. I’m sure you can handle it.” And handle it they did until the ship passed near a sky island. Suddenly the ship was plummeting…up? The ship and the droid were having a problem figuring out the orientation as gravitational forces shifted towards the massive rock that defied physics.

R3 screamed as they frantically readjusted to the changing conditions. The engine roared as it suddenly accelerated beyond its own capabilities, jettisoning the spider cruiser out of the floating isle’s gravity. This time, the droid couldn’t compensate, especially when the engine completely cut out–.


Ethereal Realm
The Shattered Plains
ABY 41

Having calmed her mind, the stranded Twi’lek Nightsister stood. “It can’t get worse, so it has to get better,” she said aloud to herself. “But nothing will get better sitting in this Force forsaken ditch.” She donned her climbing claws and started climbing out of the ravine…

It had taken her two hours to climb up to the crest. She collapsed in sheer exhaustion as she wasn’t conditioned for that level of exercise. The shattered plains stretched out before her in the fading light. Her rendezvous point was somewhere between her and the fortress, but that left a possibility of several miles to go. She didn’t know if she could manage it. Especially without the Force as her ally. She scanned the horizon with her macrobinoculars– THERE! She spotted another Brotherhood ship, as it settled on a steep not five miles out.

Gathering her gear and what strength she had left, she began to walk. As she reached the next crevasse, she could feel the Force returning. She leapt across the twenty foot trench like it was nothing. Sinya’ni reveled in the revitalizing energy coursing through her. The start of her journey had been perilous; however, with the Force as her ally, the remaining distance to the rally point went smoothly.

No placement
Ignatius Blaeceth
File submission
Strange New World- Ignatius Blaeceth.pdf
No placement
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
File submission
3714-phase 1 fiction -Strange New Worlds.pdf
Textual submission

'A Vision from the Future' sub-prompt, if it is not immediately obvious.

No placement
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
File submission
GJW - Entrenched.docx
No placement
Dr. Malfrost Xeon
File submission
Haunted Mirage.docx
No placement
Envoy Zuza Lottson
File submission
Radiance - Strange New World (Melissa)4.pdf
No placement
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
File submission
No placement
Archpriest Quentinshadows
File submission
Entrenched (GJW XVI).pdf
Textual submission

Quentin's Snapshot

No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
Strange New Worlds.pdf
No placement
Dr. Bril Teg Arga Erinos
Dr. Bril Teg Arga Erinos opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Governor Hugo Siphaar
File submission
Strange New World.pdf
No placement
Sofila "Spicy" Douve Armis
File submission
Clipped Wings.pdf
Textual submission

Evelyn Wyvern is using Arcona AEF Task Force Beta's X-Wing Starfighter ship.

No placement
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement