Competition: [GJW XVI Event Long] Multimedia - Comic

[GJW XVI Event Long] Multimedia - Comic
This competition is in the [GJW XVI Event Long] Multimedia Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points for your Clan. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 13.0% of placement points in this Phase. See the parent competition for detailed rules.


Create a comic of at least five panels showing a scene featured in one of the official fiction updates beginning with the Shadows Coalescing fictions and including any others published following. Or, alternatively, choose a scene featured in your small-team Run On. Length, quality of drawing and accuracy to fiction will all be considered for placing entries. You may use any particular style you want.


  • This event may be submitted to by teams of anywhere from 1 to 4 members. If your entry is based on a small-team Run On entry you must include a link to the RO thread in question.
  • Every member of the team has to participate in the competition one way or another (simply having written in the RO as far as plotting doesn't count).
  • Each member's contribution must be such that a reasonable evaluation of them would classify them as significant, so drawing the panel lines/boxes as an example would not meet the requirement.
  • The graders may require you to hand over any e-mail or chat correspondence after the competition is over. Please keep both saved.
  • You can use any medium you prefer, traditional or digital
  • Submissions must be uploaded to the site in .PNG, .JPG, or .GIF format
  • Only one team member needs to submit the entry through the site. Participation records will be adjusted manually.


All entries will be graded using the Dark Brotherhood Graphics Rubric v.2.0

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Great Jedi War XVI: Transcendence
Organized by
Darth Renatus, Howlader Taldrya
Running time
2023-08-26 until 2023-10-01 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Novae and 6 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
32 subscribers, of which 19 have participated.
Agate Gua'lara
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Quaestrix Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria
File submission
Textual submission

Comic of Bril meditating as the Halo drop team comes in.

2nd place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
File submission
Textual submission

Team: Socorra and Tali. "chomp" from Several JMs are dipicted: Asani, Tax’i, Arden, Work’d

3rd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Textual submission

Depicting the opening scene from team's Run On, found here:

Done on pencil and paper and then colored digitally. All effects/borders created. Please see here for full progress pics:
Scene transcribed below in case the link doesn't work when these threads all close since it's not the html export:

A giant fraking crystal bird-reptile motherfraker *thing* was trying to eat their fraking ship.

So great. Such a great time. Optimal mission conditions.


"STOP. RIDING. MY. REAR! You *shabuir!"* Minnow snarled in her seat like the Mandalorian she was as the assault vessel rocked precariously again, a scraping thud of impact from the stern. "Why would you bite a thruster?! It burns you! Go away!"

"Shake it off!" Vreva snapped from beside the tiny Nautolan pilot, clutching at the other seat of the cockpit by the very tips of her fingers and crouching in the seat more than sitting in it, like a barbarian. Every time Minnie moved, Vreva twitched, as though to grab the controls herself.

Poor choice, Vreva. Minnow was the superior pilot out of the whole squadron, nevermind their motley crew.

"Been shaking off the hater, babes, thanks," Minnie replied yet again with a forced, saccharine cheerfulness that matched her vicious expression and concentrated glare forward. She jerked the yoke, and the ship rotated 557° and descended at an approximate 11° angle.

It turned out Vreva could shut up, as long as stomach/esophagus were lodged against trachea.

Foxen himself merely braced, the abrupt shift in gravitational direction practically normal at this point. They had already encountered the strange polarity of the floating fraking islands. Because what did physics matter.

So great. Such a great mission. So much *actionable* intel. Oh, yes, spooky spirits and gravitational fluctuations and sudden *Force powers.* Just amazing. They could do so much to prepare for that.
A gloved hand touched his, and the Nautolan-Chagrian hybrid's sanguine eyes knifed down, finding home. Flyndt looked only a little greener than his olive complexion normally did from all the extensive aerial acrobatics, and his sunset eyes were fixed on Foxen, the crest of his new feathers pressed firmly down; they had been nearly smashed flat to his skull in tension since they first stepped through the portal to this place.

*O.K.?* the Omwati asked him, making the sign. *You are making faces.*

*Agitated,* the older Mandalorian answered, the obsidian and slate slab of his features blank to most people. Flyndt knew better. *Hate this.*

Flyndt blew out a breath that ended in a hooting sound. *"Hoo,* me as well. Rather we be doing something." His bird was coiled, nearly vibrating with energy, beak clacking occasionally in a way that meant dread. It was a dread that had haunted Flyndt for weeks, months now, growing ever stronger. And not just him.

Red eyes juked over -- along with the stomach, as Minnow maneuver them around so that gun turrets could be aligned with the Whatever the Hell That Beast Was -- over towards the cockpit. Bril was silent, sitting with his back to Minnow's seat, allegedly meditating. The *jediit* had spoken of visions, of great danger and loss and fear, powerful in the Force. It was a concern Flyndt shared. It was part of the reason they were even in this literal actual other *realm* of terribleness and crystal animals and undead enemies, fighting *towards* an already deeply entrenched, more powerful enemy army to the enemy stronghold.

Oh and all the magic.

Just. So. Great.

As if sensing Foxen's glare, the Zabrak opened his eyes suddenly. Blue met red, not challenging but chill, and a second later it snapped as their vessel jolted with the slight recoil of blaster cannon fire.
"Paum, big daddy dummy thicc, will you please, please SHOOT THAT MOTHERFRAKER," Minnie hollered into her headset.

From their position in the cabin, Foxen and Flyndt could both hear the Herglic man say something about never calling him that again and trying to indeed shoot the monster out of the sky.

The Nautolan hybrid huffed to himself and rechecked his weapons yet again. It was no longer for preparation or efficiency; he was prepared. It was merely frustration at this point. Beside him, Flyndt muttered mutinously.

"We could go," he began, tapping his kyuzo petar, one that matched Foxen's. "Out hatch, yes? I make jump. Like Drakor."

While the idea of Flyndt doing a mid-flight jump to their attacker's back and mounting it like he did his karadeek was as appealing as it was absolutely horrifying, it was not a practical suggestion. Should the Omwati succeed in slaying the creature, 87% chance he would only go down with it, unable to make the leap back onto the moving ship from descending animal in time, even if Foxen was standing out there to catch him. Too high risk. Denied.

He shook his head, but consoled, *Would But deny.*

Flyndt offered him the barest, sickly smirk that fell in less than 2.3 seconds.

"Cool," he agreed, trying for the both of them, and Foxen slipped their hands together and squeezed carefully. Flyndt's talons sank into the back of his where their fingers meshed.

The cockpit was a storm of cursing, backseat piloting, and general malfunction. Minnow reached back and smacked at Bril's shoulder, getting his attention.

"Kitty, Kitty grab on to something, we're -- KARK! BRACE, COPY, BRACE!"

Suddenly the lightless sky in front of them was full of crystal maw and beating wings.

4th place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Textual submission

8-bit Council Presents...

5th place
6th place
Nora Olen
Nora Olen
Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
6th place
Adept Alaris Jinn
File submission
Textual submission

Alaris Jinn - Scene Selection, Colour, and Text
Nora Olen - Layout, sketch, outline, design

6th place
7th place
Jafits Skrumm
Jafits Skrumm
File submission
Textual submission

Traditional (pencil + brush marker) and a bit of digital editing
based on GJW XVI - Transcendence Chapter 2 Act 3

7th place
8th place
Asani Armis
Asani Armis
Asani Armis opted out of publishing her submission.
8th place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
File submission
Textual submission

My scene taken from the Prologue and Chapter II

9th place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
File submission
GJW Transcendence Comic.jpg
Textual submission

Stock Images Sources:

10th place
Adept Xantros
File submission
Xantros, 11518, Comic.jpg
Textual submission

I am the sole author of this competition entry

No placement
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Mauro Wynter
File submission
No placement
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
File submission
Textual submission

Scene from Post 2 of

No placement
Envoy Zuza Lottson
File submission
Textual submission

No placement
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
File submission
XKCD(B) GJW Edition.png
Textual submission -> RO section with slight modifications to the text from RO to Comic.

This is a solo comic submission on my part though it references the RO.

No placement