The War has ended. You've fought bravely and are now parsing what you saw. The haze of battle is leaving your mind and you can now fully focus on the glory of the Ethereal Realm.
Draw/create an image depicting a scene of your choice set in the Ethereal Realm (either before, during or after the battles). You can pick any scene you think your character would have seen during the war or just the setting itself.
Please keep DB rules and common sense in mind:
* If your image contains gore => DO NOT MAKE IT PUBLICALLY VIEWABLE
* If you're not sure your image can be shown without potentially unsettling/upsetting other members => DO NOT MAKE IT PUBLICALLY VIEWABLE
Please use common sense in this matter.
1st place
Jafits Skrumm
2nd place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
3rd place
Adept Xantros