Competition: Autophobia



Character Development – Fiction Setting – Past Character Events Every character has fears, just as their players do; no one is without their little quirks, or phobias. When some think phobia, they think “oh, spiders and the dark”… no, a phobia is more than that. There is the fear of fire, the fear of water, fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth, the constant fear that one will be late to arrive for any and all appointments throughout their day; just to name some of the many examples. These are all phobias. I want to hear about your phobia and how it came about. Childhood trauma is normally the primary cause of such fears. Write me a story about this event, clear, concise, and detailed (not detailed to death please). Tell me the story of this traumatic experience that would even have affected your character to this day. (Don’t you even try to say there is none for yours, because there is, or your character has not really been thought through in its creation). Explore the depths of your character’s psyche and weave this little tale as a dream sequence. Pages – 3 min, 4 max, Size 12, Times New Roman Expectations – Do please use spell check, and watch your grammar.


Fiction - Writing


Wondering what Autophobia is, just ask. ;)


Level 3 Crescent (to eb awarded by QUA Sato, or CON Bloodfyre, okay given)

Competition Information
Organized by
Master Mune Cinteroph
Running time
2006-09-25 until 2006-10-15 (21 days)
Target Unit
House Gladius
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

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