Competition: Snack Run

Snack Run

It has been a long day of cracking heads and making credits. You walk to your favorite restaurant only to find it closed. But someone has left the keys in one of the Vizsla Capital ships. Write a story about taking the Basilisk II out on a snack run. Where do you go? what do you order? what kind of hilarity ensues? Does Korvis put his spear through you for taking it (possibly)?

  • You may write as a main or alternate character.
  • Fiction must be a minimum of 500 words, there is no maximum.
  • Grading will be based on the Fiction Grading Rubric And the KCF (Korvis Coolness Factor) so be creative.
  • Please submit in .PDF, .DOCX, or .RTF or the textual submission box.
Competition Information
Organized by
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Running time
2023-10-30 until 2023-11-15 (17 days)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
3 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
Fist Uji Tameike
File submission
The Midnight Snack Run (1).pdf
Textual submission

I'm just going to apologize in advance, this was thrown together during my workday out of boredom :P

1st place