Competition: [Life Day Celebration II] Part 2: Patterns In The Sky

[Life Day Celebration II] Part 2: Patterns In The Sky

Since before space travel, all species have looked to the sky and created constellations by connecting the stars. Some Constellations have been used to navigate their planet. Others have deep religious connotations. Still, others are just the whimsy of the people who live on the planet. Your task is to create a constellation using a creature from the possessions system and describe its significance in the sky.


  • Entries must include a visual representation of the Constellation.
  • Entries must also include a minimum of 200 words describing the Constellation. This must include what planet it is from, what creature from the possessions system it represents, and what significance it has to the native species.
  • Entries must be submitted in .pdf or .txt format or using the submission box on the Brotherhood website.
    • No GoogleDoc links or .DOC files, please download as a .pdf using "File" -> "Download/Save as" -> "PDF Document (.pdf)" and submit through the website.


Grading will favor both Creativity and Realism.

  • Creativity - 40%
  • Realism (within the given fictional universe & Star Wars universe) - 40%
  • Spelling/Grammar of entry - 20%
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[DB] Life Day Celebration II
Organized by
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Running time
2023-11-29 until 2023-12-10 (12 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
14 subscribers, of which 9 have participated.
1st place
Bale Andros
Bale Andros
File submission
The Watchful One.pdf
1st place
2nd place
Dr. Rhylance
Dr. Rhylance
File submission
Constellation_ Ma’dri Skan (3).pdf
2nd place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
Rathtar Constellation .pdf
3rd place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
File submission
The Convor Constellation.docx
4th place
5th place
Nora Olen
Nora Olen
Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
5th place
Dr. Bril Teg Arga
File submission
6th place
7th place
Captain Meero
Captain Meero
File submission
The Vulptex Constellation.pdf
7th place
Warden Benn Nevis
File submission
greater krayt dragon.jpg
Textual submission

Celestial item: The Greater Krayt Dragon constellation
Planet: Tatooine
Planetary location: Southern Hemisphere
Galactic sector: Arkanis

The largest of the constellations in the southern hemisphere of the desert planet Tatooine. The Greater Krayt Dragon is very recognisable. It is visible year round in one form or another, with the entire constellation showing throughout the entire Summer season.

The primary “star” in the nose of the dragon is actually the planet Geonosis. It points magnetic South. Being circumpolar, it is always visible . The star at the base of the tail is the planet Siskeen and the one at the tip of the tail is Ryloth. They will dip below the horizon during the course of the year as the planet orbits its suns.

When the constellation was designed by astronomers to honor this monster, the Greater Krayt Dragon was the apex predator of the planet, destroying and eating whatever it felt like. Sadly, any planet can only support a few giant hunters and these animals took to hunting each other.

Although basically now extinct with supposedly only 15 known to live on the planet worldwide. The dragon is now remembered by all in the southern hemisphere whenever they look at the night sky.

No placement
Dr. Work't
File submission
The Great Red Vine Snake.pdf
Textual submission

I drew this myself, can I have a graphite please? :P

No placement