Competition: Dajorra Marshal’s LifeDay Missions

Dajorra Marshal’s LifeDay Missions

With the holiday season approaching, come the unavoidable curse of an immense upswing in public response — whether providing aid, enforcing law, or apprehending the scum and villainry that threaten the delicate peace of our system. While others are home cozying up to the holo or baking cookies, you find yourself summoned to work. The Director of the Dajorran Marshals has assigned you to one of three urgent missions, the scenarios of which almost seem right out of three popular Lifeday holofilms but with a twist!

Choose only one of the following mission prompts and write how your character handles and deal with the situation. Be creative, we want to see your adaptation of the story! Be sure to pay attention to the rules and submission requirements listed below.


Keep The Creds, You Filthy Animal:

A Dajorran diplomat and their family had left the system for vacation in the core worlds. Upon arrival to their destination, they realized one of their children had been left back at their Celeste home. The concerned official had contacted the Dajorra Confederacy Embassy, who then reached out to the Marshalls to go perform a wellness check on Kehvn MkCal’der. Previous attempts to contact the adolescent have failed. If you take this mission, be aware that this kid was described as crafty, cunning, and strictly follows the ‘Stranger Danger’ rule.

Bah Huttbug:

A gas mining community on the Ereboros moon, D’Eraii, has recently had an outbreak of illness within its static bubble walls. This particular settlement has the largest processing plant on the moon ran by the prolific business man, Ebenzr Scruge. There is reason to suspect corners have been cut on regulations, possibly in personal safety equipment for the workers or waste disposal, as well as rumor the ill are not receiving sick time compensation. You are tasked to discover the source of illness and ensure proper regulations and law are being heeded.

It’s Not Lifeday Until Hoss Grummer Falls from Naruba Plaza:

While visiting Naruba whether on good terms, to visit friends, family, or loved ones, or to reconcile, or on simple business ahead of the crush of Lifeday, you end up ensnared in a hostage situation. The leader of the group holding the tower hostage, Hoss Grummer, is an egotistical Chiss with Gammorean guards attempting to break into the server bank housing confidential Naruba Investments data. Once aware of a Marshal inside the Tower, the manhunt begins.


  • All entries must be at least 500 words, no maximum. 500 words will grant at the minimum of 1 Cluster of Ice.
  • Must write as at least one of your sheeted characters.
  • A loadout snapshot is mandatory.
  • Entries must be submitted in .doc, .pdf, .txt format, or by using the competition text submission box. No GoogleDoc links, please.
  • If your entry is not PG-13, be sure to hide it by unchecking the “Allow people to view your submission after the competition has been judged” box


Competition Information
Parent Competition
Dajorran Marshals: Call to Action
Organized by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, Mandalorian Wulfram Armis
Running time
2023-12-01 until 2023-12-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Battleteam Dajorran Marshals
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
4 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Dr. Work't
Dr. Work't
File submission
Keep The Creds.docx
1st place