Competition: Arcona Navy Corps: Motto

Arcona Navy Corps: Motto

Arcona invicta! is the catch phrase for the Brotherhood's Shadow Clan, translating to "unconquered" in Galactic Basic. And much like Arcona, each ship and squadron of the ANC, from humble corvette to mighty star destroyer, has its own motto: that phrase that exemplifies their purpose, history, and/or characteristics. For this competition, you will create a suitable motto for the Arcona Navy Corps. It can be in Basic (English), High Galactic (Latin), or you can get creative and make it in a language that's part of Dajorra's demographic (all such entries must contain an English translation for grading purposes).

Simply type your proposed motto into the text box, along with any requisite translations. It is not required, but highly encouraged each motto have an accompanying explanation for its content. Grading will be evenly distributed across:

  • Appropriate: the motto fits the ANC's purpose, history, and/or personality.
  • Logical: the motto makes sense, both in content and language choice.
  • Grader's Preference: Speaks for itself. Also used for tie-breaking.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Arcona Armed Forces Development Project
Organized by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Running time
2023-12-24 until 2024-01-13 (21 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
12 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

"Nullus locus" High Galactic, translating to "no passage" in Basic. Refers to not only the might and literal breadth of the larger vessels in the naval fleet, but also to its duty as defensive blockades, troop carriers, and even planet conquerors. The ANC stands to stand before the rest, the first hit when their homeworld is attacked and the first line of defense from enemy boots touching the ground; similarly, they are what herald our troops landing.

1st place
2nd place
Textual submission

"Semper Paratus" - High Galactic (Latin)
Translation: Always Ready
This motto would reflect the constant vigilance needed of the Navy for threats, intel and staying prepared for anything to occur. Space is vast and so are the many angles of potential danger. Simple a motto but a strong one to reflect the constant vigilance needed, the ever watchful eye is the navy's strength. To respond when needed.

2nd place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Textual submission

Motto: Ad Litora Astra
High Galactic translation: To the Shores of the Stars
Reason: Keeping with nautical Selenian theme, and conveying the AAF mentality of spaceborn combat being a conveyance from planet to planet, rather than a pure void-fighting force on its own. The fleet always seeks to move from "the shores of a star to the shores of a star".

3rd place
Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Textual submission

"Non Soli Cedit" - does not yield to the Sun.
Origin language, Latin (High Galactic)

4th place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Textual submission

### **Lanzae
"Spearhead Incarnate"

This is a pidgin phrase between Selenian(Quechua) and Galactic Basic(Latin) that was brewed between the different cultural walks of life of both local selenian and other species soldiers.
Incarnate uses the Galactic Basic, Incarnatus.
Meanwhile, *Lanzae* is a hodge podge between Selenian's *Lanza* or "Spear", and uses the end sound of "spearhead" in Galactic Basic's *Hastae*. Hasta is spear in Galactic Basic and by adding the 'e' it becomes "Spearhead". This phonetical and similar syllable sounds between Lanza and Hasta, lead to the adaption of that 'e' to represent the head sound in spearhead.

5th place
6th place
Adem Bol'era
Adem Bol'era
Textual submission

Until the last star dims, it will be done.

6th place
Ghost Luka Zarkot
Textual submission

Alis Victoriae
High Galactic: Wings of Victory

No placement
Textual submission

"Quality and Attentivity over Quantity!"

In memory of Qyreia as Quality and Atty as Attentivity.

No placement
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Textual submission

> *Seize the Carpe!*

- High Galactic butchering of the term "Carpe Diem", meaning "Seize the day".

No placement
Reaper Heiken Akechi
Reaper Heiken Akechi opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement