Competition: Hey Sadowan, what's your sign?

Hey Sadowan, what's your sign?

At some point in our DB careers we all wanted to have a our characters immortalized in some way. Some procure a commission of our characters, our ships, a lightsabers etc.-etc. We all adore our characters naturally, they are of our own creation. Easily said, that we all have a great deal of stake regarding our characters. However, have you ever heard members refer to their character(s) as Capricorns or Scorpios? Have you ever looked towards the astrological cosmos and wondered what is your character's sign? Using your Main/Alt's CS and their personality traits, create a Zodiac sign that best represents who they are. Feel free to be creative with current Zodiac signs or get creative and design your own!


Design and create using any medium you desire, hand-drawn or digital. (paint, sketch/colored pencils, computer, crayons even AI). DISCLAIMER: If you use AI, tweak it to make it your own and state those details within your submission.

Entries must be submitted in a common image format ( .PNG, .JPEG)


  • Grading will be done using the standard Herald graphics rubric with emphasis based on the creativity and originality of the artwork.


Good luck and Happy Drawing!!!!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CNS] The Unrepentant Descendant
Organized by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Running time
2024-01-19 until 2024-01-31 (13 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Third Level Crescents and 6 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
3 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
File submission
1st place
Malisane Sadow
File submission
Star sign.png
2nd place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
File submission
Textual submission

Sorry for the terrible handwriting.
The sign is called Esne, named after the Goddess of Envy of the Six Gods of the Old Ways. ( Using the ancient gods to name celestial signs is something we do in current Earth, so this is a parallel. The circuit pattern ties into the android avatar of the goddess, as well as ties neatly into Leena's Techweaving.

Participation only