After being recovered from the depths of Telegram by dbb0t, Lizard-Toad-Snake has now been brought back to the #Taldryan Button channel where every participant battles it out with every other participant in a single grand round of combat every day.
During the running time of this competition, every 24 hours one round of Lizard-Toad-Snake is held in the Discord #Taldryan Button. Each round runs from site reset to site reset. Participants have the entire round (24 hours) to declare either Lizard, Toad, or Snake, and at the end of each round (midnight UTC), every participant is paired with every other participant. A score is then calculated using the following rules:
Lizard eats Snake (every person choosing Lizard gets 3 points for each person choosing Snake) Toad eats Lizard (every person choosing Toad gets 3 points for each person choosing Lizard) Snake eats Toad (every person choosing Snake gets 3 points for each person choosing Toad) Draw (every person gains 1 point for every other person choosing the same animal) The person with the highest cumulative score at the end of the competition wins. Ties are broken by fair dice roll.
Good luck!
2nd place
Centam Javik
3rd place
Rian Taldrya
4th place
Aylin Sajark
5th place
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
6th place
Jade Hext
7th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
8th place
Alexander Anderson
9th place
General Zentru'la
10th place
Dasha Talus
11th place
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
11th place
13th place
Meleu Karthdo
14th place
Koda Kendis
15th place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri