Many in the Star Wars universe that have been lost, Thrawn, Luke Skywalker, etc, leave behind maps to find their location. In your search to track down the missing Consul of Clan Plagueis, you have been able to piece together a starmap suggesting where to start looking, or at least a possible path to follow. Create a graphical representation of the map you have found or created. Such a depiction can be either a direct illustration or something more abstract/symbolic.
How to Submit: Through the site.
Formats: .png, .jpg., .gif.
How we are Grading: Dark Brotherhood Graphics Rubric v.2.0
Mediums: Any traditional or digital
AI-generated: Any use of AI must be disclosed, and AI generated artwork will not be eligible for placement and will gain participation credit only.
Note: All entries must be original artwork and if any resources are used that are not original must be cited in the submission box.
This event has a 2x placement modifier.
1st place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
2nd place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
3rd place