As the volcano erupts, all one can do is watch in horror at the destruction it rends.
Create the scene of the volcano's eruption in traditional or digital form.
Acceptable formats: .PNG, .JPG, .PDF Useful Tools: GIMP, Photoshop, Krita, Paint Tool Sai
Grading Criteria: Grading will be based on the Herald Grading Rubric 2.0, and ties broken by organiser preference. Clusters are doubled for this competition. Note: All entries must be original artwork and if any resources are used that are not original, they must be cited in the submission box. AI entries will be disqualified.
Double Clusters of Graphic will be rewarded for this competition.
1st place
Mistress Aphotis
2nd place
Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria
3rd place
Asani Armis
4th place
Ghost Luka Zarkot
5th place
Dr. Rhylance
6th place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
7th place
Aylin Sajark