Defenders of Selen

The volcano has erupted and the false god Tiexsema is reigning chaos down on the edge of Ussun. Her path is wild, unmeasured but destructive. Toxic gases fill the air and nearby settlements, roads and pockets of civilians are potentially in the path of it all.

Prompt 1: Form the line and hold it. Facing the threats of Mind Trick from Tiexsema, a wave of cultists and what few caxqettes remain on the field, volcanic quakes & fissures, make holding a line and preventing her from progressing towards Estle City difficult. To top it off, your character faces battling her voice and influence in their heads, staving off insanity, and their superiors/allies being turned to either stand down or aid the Goddess. How does your character handle the high stakes? What methods do they go to to try and ensure victory? Do they prevail or fall to Tiexsema’s pull?

Prompt 2: Retreat and protect. Your character sees the destruction and psychic powers unleashed, and forms a retreat but for what purpose? Is there an advantageous position they wish to use for an upper hand? Or do they wish to evacuate any civilians that are now in the much larger danger zone — the path of the insane Goddess and dangerous lava flows & fissures in the middle of the night? Is it neither of these, and they simply wish to run ahead of the volcanic disaster and seek safety for themselves?


The Ancient Goddess of Mind & Spirit had fallen deep into the persona of an all powerful, untouchable deity. The same belief that had led to the Selenians rising up from the False Gods’ deception and rule to usurp them all, trapping them. And now the Anzat has escaped centuries of loneliness and deprivation, her madness seeking the very power and fear she had garnered before thricefold.

  • Mind Trick/Dominate Mind & Telepathy: A powerful telepath, Tiexsema can reach the minds of those across Ussun and influence them to the point of not only mentally and physically against their will, but inflicting insanity. She will use this to leverage her control and forcibly insert herself into the ‘throne’ of her own. Command the masses to drop weapons, flee, surrender, or even fire upon their allies.
  • Sith Alchemy: Her Grappling Boa is alchemically treated and lightsaber resistant, paired with a decent skill of Slow.
  • The True & Final Seeker: Highly skilled with Miscellaneous Weapons, Athletics, Charm and Deception. However, Might, Stamina, Tactics and Resolve(due to insanity) are poor.


Servants of the old gods dream of bringing their masters back to full influence and power. Bended by Tiexsema’s mind, they fight for her.

  • Journeyman and Equite in rank, but danger comes from their numbers.
  • Most are only mildly armed & equipped. Training & speciality varies greatly, from quiet researchers or historians to warriors, builders, fishers
  • Largely composed of Selen residents from various tribes & cities, both Selenian & not. Many have families, some even raised into the cults. Tended to swear to the old pantheon in its entirety, yet often were specifically vassals of individual deities. They will all work together, but infighting is also possible if jockeying for more power for their own god at the cost of another.
    • Alla'su's followers tend to travel & work more readily with her caxqettes and often practice medicinal techniques that support their fellows.
    • Chicyiot’s followers embody the warrior mentality, more skilled in combat and bloodthirsty.

Note: If you wish to write the Caxxies, their info may be found in the Part I comp Overcome Yourself .

Rules & Grading:

This competition will be grading using the Fiction Grading Rubric 3.0 with ties being broken by organiser preference and relevance to the prompt. A minimum of 500 words and a valid character sheet snapshot are required for placement. Reminder to ask for permission to use other people’s characters, and that if your fiction goes over the bounds of PG-13 rating, to hide your entry.

Please submit as a PDF only.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Of Fire and Brimstone
Organized by
Envoy Zuza Lottson, Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Running time
2024-03-29 until 2024-04-12 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
14 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
File submission
Stains (10).pdf
1st place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
File submission
A Hope For a New Bike.docx
2nd place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
3rd place
Mistress Aphotis
File submission
Defenders of Selen Alaisy.pdf
Textual submission

Prompt 1: Form the line and hold it.

4th place
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
File submission
The Eagle has Landed.pdf
5th place
Dr. Bril Teg Arga
Dr. Bril Teg Arga opted out of publishing his submission.
6th place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
File submission
Competition_ Defenders of Selen.pdf
7th place
Ignatius Blaeceth
File submission
Defenders of Selen- Retreat and Protect.pdf
8th place
9th place
Dr. Rhylance
Dr. Rhylance
File submission
9th place
10th place
Archian opted out of publishing his submission.
10th place