Once again disaster has struck House Ludo Kressh.
Crazy Sith Alchemist Macron has been experimenting with food additives to boost the House supplies.
Testing them on a simple hot dog has lead to the Ludo Kressh base canteen being over run by a giant evil mutant hot dog. It's large, it's vicious, it's INSANE!
No-one can enter the canteen and live. This hot dog is the enemy, it must be eliminated, or the entire House will go hungry, Can you face the hotdog and triumph?
However there is one final point. Due to Macrons experiments the hot dog is immune to blaster, bladed weapons and even light sabers. Something unusual will be required here.
Your task is to either write a short fiction describing how you kill the hot dog, or draw a picture of it in all its evil might.
Fiction and/or Graphics
Entries to be sent to me, Malisane at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] copying in your BTL if you have one.
This comp has been approved by Manesh Sadow
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
3rd place