Many Helldivers measure themselves by how many bullets and strategems they can lay downrage to quell the threats against Managed Democracy. Not you, Helldiver, you pride yourself on how tidily you can dispense freedom and how many bullets you preserve to dispense towards other threats towards Democracy. Each week you count your shots and pin them on the wall of your Super Destroyer as a reminder that while everyone may serve Freedom, you're serving it more precisely.
This weekly competition series will follow the exploits of Helldivers such as yourself, awarding those with the highest accuracy, and breaking ties based on who has fired the Highest Kill Count. Please use the score screen as displayed in this example image.
1st place
Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek
2nd place
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
3rd place
Envoy Zuza Lottson
4th place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
5th place
Fist Uji Tameike
6th place
Darth Renatus
7th place
Professional Nildea Vidh
8th place