Competition: What a Weatherful Day - Fiction

What a Weatherful Day - Fiction

What a Weatherful Day!

Write a fiction of your sheeted or wiki character(s) enjoying a certain intense weather event. It can be heat wave, hurricane, blizzard, tornado 5 miles from where you are, etc.

By enjoying, I mean positive. Relaxing. Happy. Daydreaming good things. Baking. Singing. Dancing. Etc.

Please, give my poor brain a break and no depressing/sads.

If you do write depressing/sads, I am not going to stop you but it will affect your score when I grade.


  • Must be more than 500 words.
  • You can use your main character, NPC, ALT, and/or your own wiki character.
  • Please submit the format in .pdf, word document, or the submission text box.

Fiction Competition Points are:

  • 1st place gets 12 points
  • 2nd place gets 10
  • 3rd place gets 8 points
  • Participation will net you 6 points

I will be grading the entries by using Rubic 3.0.

AI generated fiction such as ChatGPT will NOT be accepted as valid entries and will be disqualified.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
What a Weatherful Day!
Organized by
Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Running time
2024-04-22 until 2024-05-22 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
18 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
1st place
Bale Andros
Bale Andros
File submission
Frost and Hope.pdf
1st place
Professional Agron Dyrce
File submission
Of Sleds and Snow Angels.pdf
2nd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Dr. Bril Teg Arga
Dr. Bril Teg Arga opted out of publishing his submission.
4th place
Warden Benn Nevis
Textual submission

Jedi Praxeum
Kiast System, Kiast
Summit of the Or’ena Mountains

Benn looked over his latest stocks report and noticed he needed more Porg meat for the next month. He never thought that the joke dish of Porg Fritters would become one of his most requested, but after the Grand Master had given his seal of approval on the fritters. The dish and the food truck became a popular spot for members of his home clan to grab a bite to eat.
Dialing up his local butcher, he quickly ordered 50 kilos of the succulent meat to be delivered within a fortnight.
Looking around his converted and refurbished Trexler 906 Armored Marauder, Benn smiled. Being a diplomat Consular was a difficult job at the best of times, being a chef and having discussions over good food made it much easier. The decision to become a full-time chef and a part-time medic/Consular/Jedi was an easy one.

The stress of cooking a few hundred meals, compared to patching up fellow Jedi that were too stupid to duck or watch their backs during combat, was minimal. Dealing with grumpy customers was a piece of Cloud City cake, compared to angry diplomats wanting to blow each other up over mining rights or border disputes.

“Julia, I’m heading home now. Make sure you finalize any menu changes with me tonight.” Benn said to his R2 serving droid and recipe book. The droid’s domed head swiveled to look at its owner, causing its chef hat to tip rakishly over the large optical scanner it used as an eye. The droid let out a babble of chirps and beeps before responding with a French sounding female voice. “I am NOT your servant! I am in charge here!” It intoned.

Benn walked over and fixed the hat the droid insisted on wearing, then squatting down he smiled at the droid. “Julia? I want you to finalize the menu for next week and clear it with me tonight. Do you understand? Otherwise, I’m going to find a very large plasma ax and reprogram you with it. Okay?”
Benn stood up and, taking off his apron, headed out the door and secured the door to the restaurant.
Stretching and feeling his back pop, he groaned in pleasure. It had been a long day and many of the Younglings at the Praxeum had been acting difficult because of how beautiful it was outside. Benn smiled at the antics of the children and the frustrations of their teachers.

Heading for the old freighter that was now his home, he looked up into the evening sky. The stars were coming out and the sunset was glorious. Looking away from the setting sun, he saw a beautiful full moon rising. Taking time to stop and drink in the beauty around him, he felt peace fill his being.

He walked off into a nearby copse of trees, where he meditated and communed with the Force. Stripping off his robes, he waded into a small creek that flowed through the trees. Feeling the tension of the day wash away from him, he closed his eyes and became one with the Force.
The peace and relaxation filled his being and he totally gave himself over to the feelings of the land, trees, and water. Feeling the Force in everything around him, he felt energized, calm, relaxed, happy.
It was the perfect way to end the day.

5th place
Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis opted out of publishing her submission.
Participation only