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Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
- Textual submission
"Kamjin may be a breeze with his hands on a yoke, but he can't read his fate isn't in the stars ," ~ Diyrian
(Man's out here with no Astrogation but +4 Piloting 👌Needs a droid to coach him, laaame :P)
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Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek
- Textual submission
Kamjin 'Maverick' Lap'lamiz, the galaxy's self-proclaimed ace pilot, yet every time you take to the skies, it's like watching a drunken womp rat trying to navigate a starfighter. Your so-called 'skills' would make even the most novice pilot cringe in embarrassment.
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Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
- Textual submission
Kamjin stared into the middle distance of the mirror. "You aren't really a Hutt. You've just put on some weight. They really like you and think well of you. This is just their way of showing it." A single tear rolls down his face.
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Envoy Zuza Lottson
- Textual submission
You might be less flammable than your cards but at least they have some depth to them
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TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- Textual submission
Kam is as dumb as a Hutt if he thinks we’re falling for that “youthful look” shtick. Even Palpatine looked 20 years younger when he hid his disfigured face in the shadows of his hood. You aren’t fooling anyone Kam, we can see the grey hairs sneaking as subtle as the Death Star over Alderaan.
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Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
- Textual submission
Valhavoc casually glanced over at the seemingly random person who was talking in his direction, "Sorry, but I don't even know who you are."
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Master Alaris Jinn
- Textual submission
"Careful, Roly-Poly, don't lose your gavel in the folds of your belly."
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Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
- Textual submission
"Your Mother was an Evocii"
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No placement
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Battlelord Haro Zylrun
- Textual submission
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
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No placement
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Magistrate Titius Osseus
- Textual submission
After you have sought Justice, perhaps you can seek a mop for all your slime.
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No placement
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Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar
- Textual submission
"You're so ugly, the Mother is hiding from your gaze!"
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No placement
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Grand Master Declan Roark
- Textual submission
Sarin to Kam - nice lipstick.
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No placement
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Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
- Textual submission
"You... do realize you are not a Hutt... right?"
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No placement
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Master Selika Roh di Plagia
- Textual submission
Stop trying to make "mother" happen. It's not going to happen.
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No placement
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Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
- Textual submission
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No placement
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Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
- Submission
- Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel opted out of publishing her submission.
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No placement
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Nightsister Sinya Ani
- Submission
- Nightsister Sinya Ani opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Meleu Karthdo
- Submission
- Meleu Karthdo opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- Textual submission
"Where is Other Mav? What is Other Mav? Why is Other Mav?" Ro-Tahn asked confusedly.
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No placement
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- Textual submission
Why you got so many lightsabers? Compensating for something?
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No placement
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Colonel Shanree Argentin
- Textual submission
Settle down off brand Mav
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No placement
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Mistress Aphotis
- Textual submission
"A pretty nice guy, definitely not a Hutt though."
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No placement
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Jade Hext
- Submission
- Jade Hext opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- Textual submission
The best Kamjin could do was watch Jimkam die.
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No placement
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Kagon Agra
- Textual submission
"your mother breath was worse than the Bathar beast from Tatooine" -Kagon
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No placement
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Dr. Bril Teg Arga
- Submission
- Dr. Bril Teg Arga opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Councillor Turel Sorenn
- Textual submission
You sure you don't have Hutt lineage? That armor is starting to look a little snug around the mid-section.
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No placement
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Epis Locke Sonjie
- Textual submission
I heard he thinks midichlorians are real 🙄
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No placement
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- Textual submission
Kamjin please do not laugh with mouth full of stim drinks again - you look ridiculous and spreading unwanted Hutt bacteria...
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No placement
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Master Bentre Stahoes
- Textual submission
Bentre: "Kamjin, your stench is half the reason that they say *justice is blind*."
(lousy, but I kinda like Kamjin too much to insult him even in character :P )
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No placement
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Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- Submission
- Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
- Textual submission
"He smells like Ewok...why does he smell like Ewok?" - Cassandra
- Placement
No placement
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Nora Olen
- Submission
- Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
- Submission
- Ghost Rulvak Qurroc opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Dr. Rhylance
- Textual submission
Rhylance: "Your mind is as slimy and disturbing as a Hutts underside, and as full of fat and waste as one too."
- Placement
No placement
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Lord Idris Adenn
- Textual submission
Kamjin calls himself the Duke of Juranno, but he is more like Duke of Smellslotto.
- Placement
No placement
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Fist Uji Tameike
- Textual submission
You smell weird and your aspects aren't even custom
- Placement
No placement
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- Textual submission
" I do not know that person but I assume with a name like that they have an intergalatic social media following..."
- Placement
No placement
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Ghost Luka Zarkot
- Textual submission
Luka: I don't know him, but he looks like the personification of a shrug.
- Placement
No placement