The new mission for the GMRG means there is a need for specialized trainer who can help take the most talented warriors in the Brotherhood and shape them into an effective interchangeable team. The format of this competition will be to submit a character sheet for the NPC you create.
Anubis' Character Sheet Template - You are not required to use this template but it is a very useful tool for crafting an entry. Don't forget to create a copy of the template before starting.
Character Sheet Reference Tool (C-D4WG) - This is where you look up information on powers, feats, etc. You can see the pre-written aspects here if you need inspiration.
Character Sheet Sandbox — Enables you to experiment with builds/skills. You can take a screenshot and attach the build, or transcribe for your template submission. You can find it on your admin page at the bottom of the "Character Sheet Administration" page.
Entries will be scored based on 1-5 in the following categories:
Score ties will be broken based on the subjective interpretation of the grader as to which entry is a better fit for the role of Head Trainer for the Royal Guard.
1st place
Mistress Aphotis
2nd place
General Zentru'la
3rd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
4th place
Creon Neverse
5th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
6th place
Professional Nildea Vidh
7th place
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
8th place
Reaper Heiken Akechi
9th place
Grand Master Declan Roark