Introduction In recognition of the Proconsuls favorite holiday, he has created a competition to honor the Christmas holiday. The competition focuses on Christmas related issues within the Clan and is created for fun and enjoyment.
Christmas List Create a list of presents and the reasons for them to give to specific CP members of your choice.
Christmas Story Create an Clan Plagueis or Dark Jedi version of your favorite Christmas story.
Christmas Song Create an Clan Plagueis or Dark Jedi version of your favorite Christmas song.
Christmas in the ID Describe and explain how Clan Plagueis celebrates the Christmas season.
Christmas Fiction Write your own piece on Christmas.
Christmas Graphic Create a graphic related to Christmas and Clan Plagueis or Dark Jedi.
Judging Submissions will be judged based on creativity, uniqueness and connection between the Clan Plagueis/Dark Jed and the Christmas Season.
Submission Guidelines All submissions must be in an email attachment. The subject of the email must be Xmas Comp: <activity> (Example: Xmas Comp: Fiction). The activity type must also be included in the email as well as your official ID line. </activity>
Third Level Crescents will be awarded for each activity
1st place
Zanet Xox
2nd place
3rd place
nariah Jadon