Competition: [Phase 1] OUSC Navy: For Pride of a Flag - Expeditionary Strike Group 2 Patch

[Phase 1] OUSC Navy: For Pride of a Flag - Expeditionary Strike Group 2 Patch

Phase #1


The Restructure and Preparation of Odan-Urr's Guardian Corps.


The Breakdown:

The Odan-Urr United Space Command or O.U.S.C. is the combined military force of Clan Odan-Urr and its associates, covering naval and ground forces, used to defend their home system and initiate policing actions. Originating in the wake of the Battle of Florrum, where the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force, Sentinel Network, and recruits from all corners of Brotherhood space who wished to join the fight against an oppressive Iron Throne formed to create the Odanite Expeditionary Force or O.E.F. Initially intended to serve a defensive role, it served as the Odanite military arm while the Sentinel Network acted as its main intelligence service. In the waning days of 41 ABY, under the guidance of a newly appointed Councilor of War, a series of new edicts were handed down through the ranks following a Fleet Review. These edicts attempted to solidify the core formation of the O.U.S.C., empower the Expeditionary Forces, and finalize the restructuring that had begun in 40 AB.

The Naval forces were greatly restructured during this time, their forces revitalized, and command structures revitalized from the top down. Crews or vessels that had remained idle or among other, forsaken, sections of the Clan's organization were modernized and brought up to speed. Fleet designations were settled, focusing on synergizing vessel strengths and weaknesses.


The Competition:

The Second Expeditionary Strike Group is one of the O.U.S.C.'s newer foundational units, dedicated to quick action and delivery of allied forces into contentious combat zones, their history is one that as of yet is untested, with the Quermian Deployment being the Expeditionary Group's first direct deployment, excluding their support role during the Selen Brimstone Crisis. Spearheaded by the ODN Ta'var, a Ton-Falk-class Escort Carrier, ESG-2 serves to deliver troops with a light escort into any combat zone.

  • The Competition is to draw a new Unit Patch for The O.U.S.C. Navy's Second Expeditionary Strike Group.
  • Entries for this competition should reflect their role as a Naval Strike Group, but are open to design elements.
  • The personality of the ESG-2 has yet to be determined, so the design you make could have a lasting effect!
  • This competition will be graded using the Herald Graphics Grading Rubric
  • Acceptable formats for this competition are: .PNG, .JPG, or .PDF
  • Any Mediums are acceptable.
  • AI Generated Submissions will not be accepted.

Note: All entries must be original artwork and if any resources are used that are not original must be cited in the submission box.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Phase 1: Restructure - OUSC Navy
Organized by
High Councillor Masahiro Haku, Daro Vane
Running time
2024-06-01 until 2024-07-31 (2 months)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Third Level Crescents and 4 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
2 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
1st place
Jafits Skrumm
Jafits Skrumm
File submission
OUSC Navy Unit patch.jpg
Textual submission

MS PowerPoint

1st place
2nd place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place