Competition: [SoaE - Event Long] Infiltrating Trexxa

[SoaE - Event Long] Infiltrating Trexxa


Trexxa is under full blockade While the diplomatic team conducts negotiations on board the Dominion's Wrath, you (or your team) have been tasked with getting past the blockade and reaching Palikir City to ascertain the depth of the situation going on to relay back to the diplomatic team for use in negotiations.

No sooner than you would arrive in the system however, would there be a massive communications blackout cutting off encrypted communications with the diplomatic team and the entire world of Trexxa which could mean only one thing is coming: Invasion.


Members must choose from one or more of the prompts below and write a piece of fiction centered around one or more of your characters either as an individual mission or as a team. There is a minimum word count of 500 words, with Clusters of Ice awarded for every 500 words written.

Winning entries will have aspects of their narratives including characters adopted into the official fiction/timeline, and will directly contribute towards the next story advancement.

Prompt 1: Bl[ock]ade Runner

Despite the communications blackout, you decide to continue with the original mission. Get past the blockade to the surface and ascertain what is going on to report back. Granted with the communications blackout, you would need hard, concrete evidence supporting what you see to bring back. Would that be in the form of recorded video of the invasion and death of civilians? Rescuing the DEC's leader and extracting her from the palace under siege to bring back to the senate? And even then, how would you get back off world with the blockade above?

Prompt 2: Rescue the Diplomatic Team

Sure, mission parameters are first and foremost...but the communications blackout just completely changed things. Safety of the diplomatic team is now of paramount importance, and what's going on below on Trexxa is a secondary. Your opponent now, however, is a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer filled with anti-alien troopers and naval officers (if your species is non-human, that is.). There's ways to get on board, however...and even more to stealthily make your way around. If a certain scruffy-looking nerf-herder could pull it off on a much more secure station, you can too. Just beware, as there 'could' be a powerful lightsaber duelist lurking about waiting to block your path...

Prompt 3: We're(I'm) On Our(My) Own

Well, no way to receive updated this point, what will you do? What do you want to do? You've got a large blockade on one side, guarding the planet of Trexxa where civilians will most likely be slaughtered, a massive Resurgent-class Star Destroyer with the Diplomatic Team and the Human League's Second-in-Command (who is probably extremely well defended and fortified) on the other, and of course wide open space back behind you. The choice is entirely yours. What will you do?


  • You may write as your main, alternate character, or a combination of either. Characters must be yours, however, and can not be those of another member.
  • Entries will be graded per Voice Fiction Rubric, and adherence to one or more of the above themes.
  • Entries must be submitted in .doc, .pdf, or .txt format - or using the submission box below.
    • Document title must include which of the three
    • No Google Docs links, please download as a .pdf using "File" -> "Download as" "PDF Document (.pdf)" and submit through the website. Entries received as a Google Docs link will be accepted for Participation credit only, and will not count towards the participation threshold.
  • Entries must be a minimum of 500 words. There is no maximum.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[SoaE] Event Long
Organized by
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
Running time
2024-06-03 until 2024-06-17 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place