Ad nauseam (adverb): referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome.
Adverts on websites can prove to be tiresome and many resort to blocking the ads to ensure a smoother browsing experience.
Members are tasked with creating ads that could be run on the DB Holonet or appear on member devices.
All mediums of art are acceptable provided they are legible, tangible and work as advertised. Entries will be blind graded. Ads must maintain In Character with bonus points awarded for originality and humour.
Please also include in submission text the ad campaigns' prefered audience (e.g. if you wish to serve CSP farm raised meat ads only to Ewoks, please specify)
AI submissions or those suspected to include AI generated materials will be disqualified.
1st place
Captain Meero
2nd place
Battlelord Katrila
3rd place
Professional Nildea Vidh
4th place
Cymbre Kall
5th place
Grand Master Declan Roark