Competition: Saints: Charity

Saints: Charity

Everyone struggles with vice, just as everyone extols virtue. In this instance, we are exploring the Virtue of Charity. In thought and deed, we strive for moderation in all things. Stumble as they may, it doesn't change the fact that Temperance, or moderation, in word or deed is a hallmark they want.

In a minimum of 500 words, tell the tale of a time your characters selflessness and charity came into question. How did they manage in the end? Did their values hold firm or did they fail to meet the challenge?

If your story exceeds the PG-13 rating, please make sure to uncheck the visibility box.

Grading will be done using the Fiction Rubric.

Happy writing!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Saints and Sinners
Organized by
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
Running time
2024-09-01 until 2024-09-15 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
5 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.