Use the Mystic to transmogrify your gear to look as cool as possible. Subjectively judged by me, with blind grading active.
However, each week there will be at least one mandatory item / dye which must be used. This requirement will be revealed upon subscription to this competition. If the item/dye are not used your submission will be disqualified.
All other slots may be set to any item type or dye color. Other cosmetics (pets, wings, etc) may help improve coolness factor, assuming they complement your gear & color choices.
Please create a box to hide your profile information to aid in blind grading as shown in this example screenshot. Failure to add this box WILL NOT result in disqualification.
1st place
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
2nd place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
4th place
Master Dracaryis