Competition: Star Wars Bounty Hunters Fiction Series

Star Wars Bounty Hunters Fiction Series

This fiction series will focus on how your character(s) handle themselves when coming across notorious Bounty Hunters.

Each competition lasts for almost one month, so feel free to take your time!


  • There will be four competitions each for the span of 29 days.

  • Participation gets you 1 point, fourth place gets you 2 points, third place 3, second place 4 and first place gets you 5 points

  • The one with the most points wins! Potential ties will be broken by the amount of times the participants have placed in each competition. If this is also a tie, a coinflip will determine the winner.

  • Minimum is 500 words for participation, there is no set maximum.

  • Competitions will be graded with the Fiction Rubric 3.0.

  • Submissions must be done in .pdf, .word, or in the submit text box below.

  • Please uncheck "publish entry" if your entry contains above "PG-13" level content.

Competition Information
Organized by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Running time
2024-07-12 until 2024-08-09 (29 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
Star Wars Bounty Hunters Fiction Series has 4 sub-competitions
Title Status Running time Competition Type
Bounty Hunter Boba Fett Finished 2024-07-12 - 2024-08-09 (29 days) Fiction
Bounty Hunter Bossk Finished 2024-07-12 - 2024-08-09 (29 days) Fiction
Bounty Hunter Cad Bane Finished 2024-07-12 - 2024-08-09 (29 days) Fiction
Bounty Hunter Zuckuss and 4-Lom Finished 2024-07-12 - 2024-08-09 (29 days) Fiction
Mistress Aphotis
Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place