Competition: [Gladius] Story Arch 1, Event 1

[Gladius] Story Arch 1, Event 1


Platform: Writing Length: 1 to 2 pages Format: 12pt TNR (or like font)


From the house reports thus far, you know that Dranik and Sato have set off in different directions to research what is going on in the far reaches of Clan Space. Some of you have felt the vibrations within the force of the impending danger to the House and others are concerned at Sato’s extreme action to “Quarantine” the house with the communications blackout. Here, incase you have forgotten, is the information given thus far, via holo-recording of the reports:

Dranik, Report 1: A cloaked figured appeared on the holo-screens of the Gladius members watching the channel. For those that were not watching, the recording was being saved for them in their message inboxes on the holo-net. Dranik was on his own ship, a modified YT-1930 named the Persephone. “Dark Greetings House Gladius.” Dranik stated as he entered in some commands on the ships nav computer. “I am currently investigating some activity reports on the far holdings of the House and will report more on that at a later time, when I return most likely. But for now, attached is your Aedile Report Holo-recording.”

Sato, Report 1: The common rooms aboard the Sword's Sheath echoed with the clamor of voices as the holonet systems flickered to life. A tall figure, enrobed in black dominated each holoprojectors field of vision, bathing the onlookers in bluish light.

 "Greetings brethren, by now a few of you have felt slight disturbances in the Force.  The foolish amongst your number have dismissed these as the result of the other Clans re-consolidating their power after our latest war, or as Jedi activity nearing our region of space.  The more subtle and wisest of your number have deduced that these Force tremors originate in the Dark Side and are growing in frequency."  Sato paused a moment before he carried on. 
"The proximity of these occurrences to Yridia are no mere coincidence.  I have therefore seen it necessary to quietly dispatch teams to investigate.  One of which includes myself and my fellow Sith scholars.  Until such time as I or a duly appointed representative from my Summit returns, I am ordering a complete lockdown of the Swords Sheath...including comms traffic.  Krath Priest Windos will see to the daily operation of the House and Master Spears will be in overall command at home.  Violation of this order will result in your death."  With a swirl of black, the transmission abruptly cut off.  

Dranik, Report 2: Dranik watched the small holo-screen on board the Persephone and nodded quietly. He knew in the back of his mind that the Gladius Black-out would be for the best should something go wrong. He did wonder though, if leaving the House in the hands of the two Battleteam leaders was the best of ideas, though he wasn’t about to question Sato on the issue. Dranik was already in the far reaches of Tarentum space and watched the readouts of the screens around him. He knew that there was something up ahead, he could feel it in the force and his ship’s scanners were detecting signs of a recent battle.

With this information, write a one to two page report (Story), in character on what you think is going on out in the far reaches of Tarentum Space. You can write about Dranik, about Sato and his Sith scholars, or both. Its your choice, but make it good.

Entries should be sent to Sato, Dranik, and your Battleteam leader if you have one.


Writting (.doc or .rtf) Length: 1 to 2 pages Format: 12pt TNR (or like font)


(Sorry for the Bad comp name)


Forth level crescents

Competition Information
Organized by
Dranik Tarentae
Running time
2006-12-09 until 2006-12-23 (15 days)
Target Unit
House Gladius
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
2 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Kazarelth Talismarr
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

1st place
2nd place
Master Windos
Master Windos
Textual submission

Migrated from legacy database

2nd place