Pride goeth before the Fall. Or something to that effect. Pride is a sticky emotion that we are exploring in this installment of the Sinner's list. Do you use your pride for the good of all? The good of yourself? How does it affect you and those around you? Someone who is overly Prideful can sometimes drive away their allies or bring them in as a more unified group.
In 500 words of more, detail an instance where your character's pride reared its head. Did everything turn out okay or did their Pride precipitate a fall like the idiom states?
Grading will be done using the Fiction Rubric. If your entry is above the PG-13 mark (possibly because of gratuitous violence), go on and make sure that visibility box is unchecked. We have youngin's here I think.
1st place
Savant Veil Arcana
2nd place
Aedile Syrena Valkar
3rd place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri