- Member
Dr. Rhylance
- Textual submission
"I heard Zuza is looking for artifacts that might help her grow, or look taller. It's one of her short term goals. She's a newer Consul and really wants to "measure up" to those that came before. Talk about a high bar to reach. Real top shelf expectations of herself ya know?"
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Savant Zuser Whuloc
- Textual submission
I heard a rumor that they are going down to the planet to just look at the dirt. Not test it or analyze it. Literally just look at it. Like with binoculars. Not even the blast zone from the Death Star.
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Mistress Aphotis
- Submission
- Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
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Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
- Textual submission
You know Cassandra, right? Small, annoying, about knee height...
Oh, wait, that's Teebu... but here's the thing! I heard a rumor that Cassandra is just an android shell and that Teebu is secretly controlling her from the inside! All in some twisted plot for vengeance against Kamjin.
I know. Its so unbelievable that it *has* to be true.
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Malisane Sadow
- Textual submission
Naga Sadow Consul DarkHawk is on Jedha investigating dubious claims that Gungan tourists have been seen eating Loth Cats and Frog Dogs
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Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
- Textual submission
I heard a rumor that Rayne is only on Jedha cause Derc Kast (Thran) is filming one of those "for one credit a day" promotional holovids for the Imperial Mission. Apparently they're auditioning kids cause the ones on Jedha are to depressing for Derc Kast to be seen with.
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Issamuel Kin'Droth
- Textual submission
I heard a rumor that Empress Rayne Palpatine secretly Batwoman. Have you ever seen her and Batwoman in the same room? No...SUSPICIOUS.
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Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker
- Textual submission
I heard the Empress Rayne is into Hutt role play with LOTS of eating.
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Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
- Textual submission
I heard Rayne brought a beach chair and this whole charade was to work on her tan.
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Nora Olen
- Submission
- Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
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Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
- Textual submission
I heard that my Consul was Batman.
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No placement
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Livia Mariquita Daffel
- Submission
- Livia Mariquita Daffel opted out of publishing her submission.
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No placement
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Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
- Textual submission
I heard Selikah is scouring ancient ruins in search of ancient Jedhan fashion for ideas to make new, provocative outfits as well as a new hat for TuQ as she thinks it's old and smells like bad cheese.
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No placement
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Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
- Textual submission
Zuza Lottson is challenging the artifact seekers to a foot race through the planter's ruins. Knives are allowed.
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No placement
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Savant Veil Arcana
- Submission
- Savant Veil Arcana opted out of publishing his submission.
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No placement
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Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- Textual submission
Rumor has it that while the rest of the clan is looking for artifacts and dealing with the Children of Mortis, Consul Selika Roh di Plagia is personally seeking out Krath artifacts hidden on Jedha.
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No placement
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Warlord Vincent Brujah
- Textual submission
I heard a rumor that Rayne is meeting with the other Consuls in an effort to convert the club into a My Little Pony fanfic club.
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No placement
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TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- Textual submission
I heard that Selika organized a spa day for all of the Consuls because she didn’t realize how dusty and dirty Jedha is.
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No placement
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Mako Henymory
- Textual submission
So have you know why we have the Kyber crystal's locked up in the armory right? It's cause Ikarri keep taking them a couple at a time. Thing is he wasn't using them for any weapons, nah, good'ol Ikarri was grinding them up into dust and snorting them. Got him all sorts of bent and twisted too. Anyway, with his supply cut off at home he grabed a bunch of bags and headed for Jedha, heard they used to store a bunch of crystals or something there.
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No placement
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Magistrate Titius Osseus
- Textual submission
They just wanted a vacation! Away from all the responsibilities of the office and the incessant whining of their clans! But NO... everyone had to FOLLOW them to Jedha like a clingy child.
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No placement
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Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
- Textual submission
I heard a rumour Zuza and Cassandra were caught *seeing each other* as wives during the meetings...and one of them was in a giant moth costume.
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No placement
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Cymbre Kall
- Submission
- Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
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Azmodius Equesinfernum
- Textual submission
Selika is wiring Plagueian credits to an off-planet account in order to secretly fund her breast augmentation procedures.
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No placement
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Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
- Textual submission
I heard a rumor that Cassandra Oriana Taldrya only came to Jedha to get out of the office, because Ood Bnar has been leaving sap on all the furniture.
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No placement
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Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- Textual submission
Darkhawk is on Jedha looking for a special crystal, not for his lightsaber, but rather for his oatmeal. Ground up and eaten repeatedly, he will finally acquire the deep gravelly voice that he always wanted when he designed his cowl.
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No placement
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Professional Agron Dyrce
- Textual submission
Master Selika Roh di Plagia is sneaking off from the pack to look for prime specimens for her "The Death Star Was Here" rock collection.
- Placement
No placement