Competition: [Pro Bowl VIII: Week One] Fiction

[Pro Bowl VIII: Week One] Fiction


Jedha usually has little reason to attract visitors. Most who frequent the planet’s orbit are usually bandits, marauders or… treasure hunters.

You have been provided a holograph of the planet, a large x marking the spot of an unknown item of interest. It seems to be concealed close to the crater of what was once the holy city of Jedha. Buried, simply lost or perhaps concealed within the debris, it is your task to secure the treasure via whatever means necessary and return it to the clans. Fight against other hunters, opportunistic bandits, the elements themselves or perhaps the temptation to claim the treasure for yourself, how do you manage this feat?


  • This is a solo fiction comp.
  • Entries must be a minimum of 500 words. Any entries that are under 500 words will be disqualified and ineligible for participation or placement.
  • There is no maximum word cap.
  • Entries must be submitted in .pdf or .txt format or using the submission box on the Brotherhood website.
    • No GoogleDoc links or .DOC files, please download as a .pdf using "File" -> "Download as" "PDF Document (.pdf)" and submit through the website
    • If your entry is not PG-13, please make sure to hide your entry by unchecking the “Allow people to view your submission after the competition has been judged” box
  • Your story should be centered on your Main or Alternative/NPC characters. DJB Wiki NPCs, or other characters that you create or invent to tell your story are not only allowed but encouraged. However, your narrative should focus around one of your own characters with an active CS.
  • A snapshot of your character loadout must be selected and submitted with your entry through the checkbox submission field to be eligible for placement.

Grading: Grading will be done utilizing the Fiction Rubric.

This event has a 3x placement modifier.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Pro Bowl VIII: Week One
Organized by
Envoy Zuza Lottson, Fist Uji Tameike
Running time
2024-09-02 until 2024-09-08 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Novae and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
29 subscribers, of which 14 have participated.
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
The Trial Part 1.pdf
1st place
Master Alaris Jinn
File submission
2nd place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
Pro Bowl VIII week 1 fiction.pdf
4th place
5th place
Meleu Karthdo
Meleu Karthdo
Meleu Karthdo opted out of publishing his submission.
5th place
Mystic Kor Vaal
File submission
7th place
Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa opted out of publishing his submission.
9th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Jedha or something .pdf
10th place
Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
File submission
No placement
Azmodius Equesinfernum
Textual submission

Azmodius awakes to a bright blinking coming from the comm link on his arm. Grumbling sleepily, he opens the encrypted file. “A treasure map?! Looks like we're going to Jedha!”

The trip wasn't too long and he had his trusted companion, Ozzy Pawsborne with him to pass the time. Upon arrival he noticed just how frakked up the planet was. Volcanic ash filled the sky and lava flows for rivers. “Maybe you should stay on board,” he replied to his worried companion. “I’ll be back soon!”

Upon stepping off the ship, he was immediately accosted by none other than four outer rim space treasure hunters. “Ye ain’t takin wuts ours!” and “finders keepers!” echoed from their toothless yapping maws.

“Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way”, the Arkanian replied, “though something in that inbred, toothless, sister-laying, slack-jawed, outer-rimmed, yokel drawl tells me you want to do it the hard way!”

After taking a brief moment to comprehend the insult, the four cried out as two fired their blasters at the Sith while the other two charged him with their vibroblades. Anticipating the sudden attack, Azmodius quickly turned to step out of the bolt’s trajectory and ignited his saber, catching the two vibroblades on either end of his saberstaff. His eyes met one of the treasure hunters and he smiled. As another volley of blaster bolts came at him, Azmodius pushed one of the hunters in their path rendering him dead. In the brief moment the shooting stopped, the Sith turned and swept the blade wielding treasure hunter’s legs out from under him and thrust his saber through his chest. Panicked, and angry the remaining two assailants cried out and fired their weapons as Azmodius slowly walked closer to them, deflecting their bolts with his saber. With every step, the Sith deflected a single bolt back at the assailants, first taking a leg, then an arm, until they were incapacitated. As he stood over the last remaining treasure hunter, he smiled and spoke, “I really do love doing things the hard way.” With a final cry the last hunter died as Azmodius plunged his blade into his chest.

Azmodius looked over next to the treasure hunter’s body and saw a box with intricate carvings that looked too old to not be a relic. “Guess this is what I'm here for”, he said as he picked up the box and walked back to his ship to check its contents.

“Alright Ozzy, Help me out here” he said to his furry companion who came to investigate the relic in his hands. Upon opening it he saw it was filled with ancient coins. “Lets see now, one ancient coin, two ancient coins, three ancient coins four ancient coins, five ancient coins, six ancient coins, seven ancient coins, eight ancient coins, nine ancient coins, ten ancient coins, eleven ancient coins, twelve ancient coins, thirteen ancient coins, fourteen ancient coins, fifteen ancient coins, sixteen ancient coins, seventeen ancient coins... five hundred!”

No placement
Nora Olen
Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Professional Nildea Vidh
File submission
Two Broken Hearts Meeting.pdf
No placement