Tythas requires infrastructure to work. Many buildings, habs and prefabs have many uses. The City is built in three sections connected by an underwater elevator:
Surface level: surface and shallow depth offices, science labs, merchant quarter, government buildings (Mon Calamari architecture)
Deep habitats: mid-oceanic research, maintenance and habitation (Gungan architecture)
Abyssal zone: deep sea mining drills (Unaligned, mostly industrial architecture)
Pick one of these city levels and create a suitable building for it. It can be a merchant store, bar, government building, research lab, mining drill, deep-sea diving school — anything goes. Remember, the city is underwater.
Create a location in Tythas City. Be creative, think about what an underwater city needs, and make something that appeals to you. Remember the city map.
You must include the location's name, description, function, and placement in the City
Entries must have a maximum of 500 words to qualify for placement.
Entries will be graded according to the Fiction Grading Rubric 3.0
Placing entries may be canonized in House Fiction, pending your approval, after review.
1st place
Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria
2nd place
Reaper Mazoku Saitō