Mandalorian Clan Vizsla has always prided itself on tracking down their bounties with unmatched precision. Since the bitter conflict with Clan Fero erupted, Vizsla’s operatives have been scouring the galaxy, identifying both potential foes and strategic allies across the Dark Brotherhood.
Rumors have surfaced that a mysterious figure—whose identity remains hidden—could hold the key to Clan Vizsla’s victory in the war. But is this person a potential ally, or an enemy hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike? Your task is to uncover their identity before it’s too late.
Objective: Using clues provided throughout the competition, and your own deductive skills, you must determine the identity of this enigmatic figure. This could be a notable Dark Brotherhood member, a secretive bounty hunter, or an influential figure connected to Clan Fero. Your job is to analyze the hints, track down the evidence, and present your findings to the clan.
Follow the clues in the subscriber details below and find the correct member as quickly as you can. All answers to the clues can be found on the Brotherhood site and wiki (and one very awesome DB video).
Placement will be determined by the quickest correct answer. Ties will be broken by site submission time.
Good luck and good hunting!
*This mission must have 10 participants to be considered a success or the potential ally/enemy will get away. *Placement for the container: 1st earns 5, second earns 4, third earns 3, fourth earns 2, fifth earns 1.
1st place
Master Dracaryis
2nd place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
3rd place
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
4th place
Kodo Obrim
5th place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
6th place
Mako Henymory
7th place
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
8th place
Fist Uji Tameike
9th place
Aedile Raistlin
10th place