Finally, recognition. Being bestowed the position of Combat Master was a privilege few got to experience. Now, it was time to see with his own eyes what the Brotherhood was made of. He sent out a message across the stars, though, who among them was brave enough to answer the call?
The Combat Master has invited the members of the Brotherhood to the Combat Training Centre to demonstrate your skills and abilities! Try to impress him... if you can!
This is an ACC competition focusing on the Competition Hall of the ACC and focuses on the Let's Get Down To Business 2024 Hall.
This is a co-op entry, meaning two members will participate in a single entry.
Entries will consist of an ACC Match between the two participants that take place within the Arx: Combat Training Centre.
Each participant can only submit a single match for their entry. Members may not be part of more than one submission. Any secondary matches completed will be ineligible for placement.
Matches must be created during the course of the event, and must be completed (but grading need not be completed) before the end of the competition.
All matches for this competition will be judged by the Combat Master. (me)
You may use whatever sheeted character you have available to you.
Both the Match and Venue must be are selected via Let's Get Down To Business 2024 as the ACC Hall, and then selecting the Arx: Combat Training Centre as the venue.
How you craft the story is up to you. You can fight one another, or work together against a common enemy. It is entirely up to the two of you.
In the event of a Timeout, you may try again until you have completed one battle for an entry.
Once a battle is completed, I will add the participants manually. All you need to do is complete a battle!
Lastly, have fun!
Grading will be done by combined ACC Match score. Ties will be broken by members of a team that achieved the highest total score. If there is still a tie after that, then it will be decided via my personal preference of which battle I enjoyed more.
Good luck, everyone. Have fun!
1st place
Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
1st place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
2nd place
Envoy Zuza Lottson
2nd place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
3rd place
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
3rd place
Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven
4th place
Magistrate Titius Osseus
4th place
Ellac Conrat
5th place
Team Leader Syrena Valkar
5th place
Frenek Mausma