What goes on at the highest echelons of the Brotherhood? What sorts of plots and schemes do the Councilors weave? Who's the broodiest? Who's the grumpiest? Who's the biggest prima donna?
A nefarious slicer has just released a leak of the latest Council meeting across the Brotherhood's HoloNet. What secrets of the Council does the leak reveal? You tell us.
Note: This competition is for the out-of-character version of what happens in Council chat.
Entries must be a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 1000 words. Grading will be done according to the Brotherhood Fiction Rubric, with "transcript" formatting being added to the Syntax category. (This isn't meant to be a full fiction piece.) Ties will be broken by graders' preference.
Current and recent members of the Council will not be eligible for placement.
1st place
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla