Currently, the history of our clan does not have any information on the person about which our clan is named, Darth Plagueis. Now, I understand that not much is known about this mystery man that trained Darth Sidious, but we still need something.
Your job is to research this man using whatever you have and to write a small summary of him for us to use in our history. Include whatever you can find. The information gathered will be used to write the Darth Plagueis article on the Wiki.
Most of you will use Wookieepedia. In that case, just make sure you don't copy it straight from the page
Email summaries to Aabs at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
1st place
Valerian di Plagia Orzon
2nd place
Vexer Thrace
3rd place
Nasake Shinjin