Competition: Slay the Gray - Single Miniature Painting

Slay the Gray - Single Miniature Painting

Prompt: In this competition participants will paint a physical miniature figure , then take a picture of it to submit to this competition.

  • The mini should start from a single base color - don't just add paint to something like an Action Figure which is already colored.
  • Do not edit your photo with any graphics tools / software / etc. This competition is about your skill with paints, brushes, and a camera (cell phone should work fine).

Ideas for miniatures you could paint: Star Wars Legion, Star Wars Shatterpoint, Warhammer (Age of Sigmar or 40K), D&D Characters or Monsters, a miniature that was 3D printed, a figure from a game in your basement, feel free to get creative...

Minimum for participation credit: Miniatures will be fully assembled with at least three colors of paint applied. At least 50% of the surface of the mini should be painted. Example for Participation - Note the red cloak, bone armor, and black gun. However many parts remain with only a black primer and white drybrush over it.

Minimum for eligibility to place: Miniatures will be fully assembled and fully painted using at least three colors. Painting or finishing the base for a miniature is not required and will not be factored into grading. Example for placement. Fully painted.

Grading criteria:

  • 50% Technique (Clean lines and clear distinction between different areas/colors of the miniature)
  • 25% Visual Effort / Detail (Use of complimenting colors / general appearance of the miniature)
  • 25% Overall cool factor

Don't underestimate the photography aspect of this competition. I can only judge submissions based on the picture you submit (the minimum participation example is not a great picture). If you are really motivated to make a strong submission I recommend taking the time to watch this 5 minute video on how to take pictures of miniatures.

Tips if you have no Paint/Brush/Miniature

Paints - Two options here:

  • I just want participation and have no interest in painting miniatures outside of this - If you don't have paints laying around the house, then buy cheap acrylic paints from your local Hobby Store. Here is a set of 12 paints from Michaels (sorry Europe friends) for $7
  • I think I'd really like to start painting as a hobby, but help me not break the bank - First, I recommend you watch this video on the "Slapchop" painting technique for some fast, early wins. Then buy a Black paint and White paint from the Army Painter Fanatic range (you can skip the mid tone gray for now). Buy 3-4 colors of Army Painter Speed Paint 2.0 that you want to use on your mini for this competition. Each of those paints will cost roughly $5 each ($25-30 cost for paints). Try not to buy a color for every little detail on the mini. Remember you can always go back and add more detail/colors later.

Brushes - Buy a super cheap pack of synthetic round brushes from a store like Michaels or Hobby Lobby. I'm pretty sure I still have some brushes from this set for $5. Some of them are total trash, but some can work for you. Why so cheap? As a beginner the acrylic paints are going to destroy your brushes, until you learn how to properly take care of them, etc. Don't buy expensive brushes yet! If want a specific brush to try out drybrushing for the "Slapchop" method find a cheap makeup brush (seriously - I started with one of my wife's old makeup brushes that I rinsed out alot).

Miniatures - Wizkids Miniatures or Nolzur's Miniatures for DND are roughly $7-10 for two character minis. Or you can get an unpainted Beholder for $14. The vast majority of these mini's come fully assembled.

You should be able to get all supplies to paint a mini for under $25, or if you want to dive a bit deeper in with better paints for under $50.

Competition Information
Organized by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Running time
2024-12-20 until 2025-01-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Difficulty Class
Second Level Crescents and 8 Clusters of Graphite as per Herald guidelines
23 subscribers, of which 13 have participated.
Inarya Tiberius Entar
File submission
WhatsApp Image 2025-01-02 at 12.39.23.jpeg
Textual submission

My completed Belisarius Cawl

1st place
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
File submission
WhatsApp Image 2024-12-31 at 18.46.42.jpeg
2nd place
3rd place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
4th place
Koda Kendis
Koda Kendis
File submission
Textual submission

Kro-Jax, the Aegis from the Age of Sigmar Seraphon.

4th place
Ranger Kant Lavar
File submission
5th place
Warden Benn Nevis
File submission
comp centaur.jpg
Participation only
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
File submission
Participation only
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
File submission
Participation only
Ghost Luka Zarkot
File submission
Participation only
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
Participation only
Seer J'Kast
File submission
Participation only
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
File submission
Textual submission

Reaper mini, Moon Elf Ranger.

Participation only
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
File submission
Participation only