Competition: Do You Trust Me?

Do You Trust Me?

“Do You Trust Me?”

Using the dialogue quoted above as the opening line, write a fiction using the pov of one of your Brotherhood characters. Whatever scene that plays out is free to the wilds of your imagination, but it must be relevant to star wars, the Brotherhood’s universe, and your characters. Have fun and get creative with it!

  • Note: The dialogue does not need to be said by your character. An NPC or another djb character is perfectly valid to use as the utteree of the quote.


  • All entries must be at least 250 words, no maximum(Micro-Fiction friendly). Entries of 500 words or more will guarantee at least 1 Cluster of Ice.
  • No character snapshot needed! Sheeted, wiki, any npc is welcome for the focus of this fiction. Be sure to get permission first before writing anyone else’s character.
  • Entries must be submitted in .doc, .pdf, .txt format, or by using the competition text submission box. No GoogleDoc links, please.


Series Points Scores

Participation and Placement in this comp rewards the following points towards the Series total.

  • First Place: 4 pts.
  • Second Place: 3 pts.
  • Third Place: 2 pts.
  • Participation: 1 pt.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Fiction] Just Say It!
Organized by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Running time
2025-01-13 until 2025-01-20 (8 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
13 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
Knight Jovian Grey
File submission
_Do you Trust Me__ .pdf
1st place
Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven
File submission
Do You Trust Me_.pdf
2nd place
Envoy Zuza Lottson
File submission
Do You Trust Me_ - Cole.pdf
3rd place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
File submission
Do you trust me_ (1).pdf
No placement
Mandalorian Fenris Skagg
File submission
No placement
Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
Textual submission

“Do you trust me?”

The Private didn’t respond, but his breathing slowed and the panic in his eyes relaxed slightly. Narman continued working meticulously, first removing the already heavily blood-soaked body armor and tossing it aside. From what he could see in the darkness of the alleyway, it appeared the Private had suffered a pretty severe shrapnel injury. The wound was wide and jagged, with a heavy flow of blood; Narman retrieved his medical kit and attempted to seal it. A mixture of snow and ash continued to fall all around them, quickly forming into banks along the partially collapsed duracrete walls. Content with his work, he tossed the exhausted kit aside and wiped the blood from his hands onto the sides of his trousers.

“Can you stand?” Again the Private was silent; he shifted his arms and tried to push up, but it was no use. He grunted and shook his head. “Alright, that’s fine. But we have to move.” Narman stood and scanned around quickly, eyes straining in the crescent moonlight. He hoped there might be a substantial piece of wall or a door he could use as a makeshift stretcher, but all that surrounded them was trash and rubble. A pair of Z-95 Headhunters screeched by overhead, one chasing the other, a streak of red bolts illuminating the sky. Only in that moment could Narman see the wide pool of blood seeping into the snow.

He dropped to his knees beside the Private and carefully tilted him, though in the darkness it was nearly impossible to see. The body was loose and unresponsive as he moved it. The Doctor moved his hand up to the Private’s neck, desperate for a pulse, but found none. He attempted chest compressions but knew it was a futile effort; the blood loss was far too severe. Narman laid the body down gently and slid back a few feet up against a wall. He stayed for a few minutes, eyes on the Private, before eventually he pushed himself to his feet, adjusted his uniform, and moved on.

No placement
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
File submission
“Do You Trust Me_”.pdf
No placement