Competition: Design a Site: Daleem (Spring)

Design a Site: Daleem (Spring)

With the opening of the Kiast Trade Initiative, Daleem has been selected for a host of locations for tourism and trade. This being the case, it stands to reason that shops, food vendors, a great big chunk of it is without information at this time! Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to design a location within the Station people can visit, explore, see, experience.

Entries should be 500 words or less.

Top 3 placements will be featured as locations used by the Tourism and Trade Initiative!

Competition Information
Organized by
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
Running time
2025-01-22 until 2025-02-28 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
7 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
1st place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Reaper Heiken Akechi
Textual submission

You know what volcanoes bring? Hotsprings. After the rapid volcanic eruptions certain key locations were found to now have really nice hotspring locations.

2nd place
3rd place
Asani Armis
Asani Armis
Asani Armis opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
Frenek Mausma
Textual submission


*Come get your caf fix at The Hyperdrive at Mausmatic Deliveries™!*

With the planet poised on the brink of unprecedented expansion due to its designation as a tourism and trade hub through the Kiast Trade Initiative, there’s going to be a lot of sights to see at Daleem! And with the 32 hours of sightseeing per day that this planet has to offer, you’re going to need some serious caf to get through it all! That’s where we come in.

But first—an important announcement! Mausmatic Deliveries™ is proud to announce that, due to our recent boom in business, we have been able to invest in a brand new delivery ship: The Mausmatic Deliveries™ XS Stock Light Freighter, equipped with a state-of-the-art Advanced Navigation Computer. This investment, and other like it, are designed to speed up our delivery time, so that your packages get where they need to go even faster.

*What does this have to do with getting my caf fix?* you may ask. What a discerning customer you are! Well, because our new XS Stock Light Freighter will be handling the bulk of the deliveries, we have been able to convert our former cargo hauler, the Mausmatic Deliveries™ Sheathipede-class Transport Shuttle, into a **chic, global-galactic caf bar!** You’ll find *The Hyperdrive at Mausmatic Deliveries™* tucked within our cozy, repurposed Sheathipede-class Transport Shuttle that has been semi-permanently parked in the middle of a burgeoning market square. While you wait for an artisan caf, brewed to perfection by our trained baristas, you may overhear the latest gossip floating around Daleem, or even write and drop off a letter or package to a loved one at our designated delivery drop-off kiosk.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Sephi Latte Den! Come to the Hyperdrive weekend nights to grab one (or two) of our specialty Sephi Lattes and hear some live poetry readings by local artists. Our Sephi Lattes are brewed with local Sephi pheremones, and they are sure to knock you out! Must be 21 years or older. Event calendar coming soon. Events scheduled based on demand.

NOW HIRING: Barista. Local preferred. Experience required.
*Mausmatic Delvieries™ is an equal-opportunity employer. Sephi, Human, or other species welcome. Droids tolerated. Hiring process based on merit.*

No placement
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
Textual submission

Ruana's (Vegan) Roadhouse appears to be your typical tavern, serving both food and drink. However, all of the meat dishes are from alternate, vegan sources, which taste just as delicious as their real counterparts. All ingredients are sourced locally and foraged from within the system, in line with the owner's — Ruana Suoh-Werd'la — particular beliefs. Upon entering, there is a sense of homeliness, warmth and welcome. All of the furniture is of a rich, vibrant wood, where murals are on every wall depicting Kyataran art and scenes of the past, both of serene landscapes and battles. Each booth for eating is sectioned off with partitioned walls for private meals that appear to be paper, showing beach scenes and wooded landscapes, whilst some are as simple as vines crisscrossing in artistic patterns.

No placement
Team Leader Syrena Valkar
File submission
Haven's Circuit, Syrena's Droid Orphanage.pdf
No placement