Woo, puzzles
Subscribe, click the link, do the thing.
The fastest time to complete the puzzle wins.
Provide a screenshot of the time of completion and number of pieces of puzzle.
Must complete 100% for participation and to place.
Ties broken by time of submission to the website.
Non-clan members welcome to submit for competition credit but are not eligible for points or placing.
Most points at the end of the week will receive an award. In the event of a tie, placements will be determined based on the number of puzzles submitted to, then by number of 1st places, then 2nd, and so on.
1st 5 pts
2nd 4 pts
3nd 3 pts
Participation 1pt
1st place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
2nd place
Mandalorian Fenris Skagg
3rd place
Mako Henymory