Prompt: What happened to Appius Wight is unknown. However, for whatever reason there is, you have become suspect #1 in his disappearance. You have a few options;
1) Allow yourself to be taken in and questioned. How does the interrogation proceed?
2) Flee. Sure, it makes you look guilty, but you didn't even know the guy! The hell I'd a "Mandaboo" anyway?
3) You are part of the investigation team and your quarry wants to stand and fight. Ypu ate more than happy to oblige. This is the way, or something like that.
Rules: Members are tasked with creating a piece of fiction centred around one of the prompts above using at least one of their slotted characters. Fictions must be at minimum 500 words with no maximum.
Submissions: Fictions must be submitted it .pdf, .word, or via the submit text box below.
Grading: Grading will utilise the Fiction Rubric 3.0
1st place
Knight Jai Thorne
2nd place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater