Participation Type: Low Impact
Following the massive push for resources, technology, and new forces by the Brotherhood and the Severian Principate, the leadership of both factions came to realize to properly utilize these in a defensive (or offensive) fashion, greater training would be required for all involved.
While aiding the forces of the Brotherhood might mean better defensives and less lives loss should an enemy attack again, many of the Brotherhood question if their skills are best put to use there (or what is in it for them). However as the call for volunteers has been made, word has begun to circulate about a poorly defended storehouse on a remote world, full of great treasures.
Participants must use one of the following prompts to craft their entry:
Operation Saberfall
The most promising new recruits have been placed into a small spec ops squad. While the majority are focused on the most core pieces of military training, this group has proven their capabilities already, dangerous but in need of good practice. Who better than you, one of the Brotherhood’s finest?
Welcome to the Abandoned Mines of Uskil on Arx. A dense maze of interconnecting tunnels long abandoned are to be your battleground. Tasked for dangerous but non-lethal combat, you are to be hunted by this small team of promising soldiers. Neutralize them, or be neutralized yourself.
Operation Shadowkey
A vault, defended by armed droids and automated turrets sits unmonitored on the remote planet of Y’thal. Full of ancient artifacts, rare gemstones, kyber crystals, and holocrons. To the right buyer these vaults mean a payday beyond your wildest dreams, and amongst the goods, items that could also potentially make you as powerful as the Grand Master himself.
Your contact, Dolnat Bir, has provided the access codes and location but needs you to get in and acquire the prize. He already has buyers lined up for the moment you return to the Godless Matron with them.
Get in, take the goods, get out. Seems simple but since when do plans ever happen without a hitch?
Submitted entries will be graded using the Voice Fiction Rubric
1st place
Mistress Aphotis
2nd place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
3rd place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
4th place
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
5th place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
6th place
Knight Jovian Grey
7th place
Team Leader Syrena Valkar
8th place
Mako Henymory
9th place
Padawan Remalia Manvar
10th place
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater