During the running time of this competition, a bomb defusing game will run in the #button channel on the Brotherhood's Discord Server. It allows the membership to 'plant' a bomb, and others to then defuse said bomb by carefully clipping various exposed wires, scoring or losing points along the way. Your goal for this competition is simple: Through careful detonator planting and defusing, as well as scheming with and/or manipulation of your fellow DB members, you should ensure your score at the end of the competition is higher than anyone else’s.
Score at least one point (it does not matter if you lose that point later)
Continue planting and/or defusing and end up with the highest point total
Each detonator will feature a variety of wires, and will always have one insta-kill, one booby-trap, and one defuse wire. The bomb will also feature a countdown timer, and will explode when that timer runs out. Cutting a (previously un-cut) wire will yield n points, where n is the number of cut wires including the one just cut. If this detonates the bomb (insta-kill wire), the person that planted the bomb will gain that amount of points, and the person cutting the wire loses that amount. In every other case (defuse, booby-trap or regular wire), the person cutting the wire gains the points.
Cutting the booby-trap wire halves the remaining time on the countdown timer Cutting the defuse wire stops the timer and defuses the bomb.
When a detonator's timer runs out before it is defused, the person that planted it gains p points, where p is the number of cut wires times two.
It is not allowed for one person to plant multiple bombs in a row; cut more than one wire on the same detonator; or cut wires on a bomb they themselves planted. Doing so will come with a 5-point penalty.
Cutting a wire that has already been clipped by somebody else steals the points they gained from clipping that specific wire, while also increasing the "wires cut" count used to calculate points for subsequent wire cuts, defusals, and detonations.
Point totals can never go below zero. If any action would cause your point total to go below zero, you instead lose as many points it takes for your score to become 0. If you already had 0 points, your score does not change. A possible ongoing defusal attempt when the competition ends will still finish and be able to change point totals, but once the competition ends no new bombs can be planted.
Finally, remember that this is a game. Please mind your sanity and that of others - be a good sport to others and take breaks where necessary.
1st place
Envoy Zuza Lottson
2nd place
Knight Remalia Manvar
3rd place
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
4th place
Esen Dulle
5th place
Magistrate Titius Osseus
6th place
Seer J'Kast
7th place
Warlord Vincent Brujah
8th place
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
9th place
Nora Olen
10th place
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
11th place
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
12th place
Savant Elaine Conrat
13th place
Asani Armis
14th place
Doon Sulvir
15th place
Ghost Luka Zarkot
16th place
Dr. Rhylance
16th place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
18th place
Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
19th place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
20th place
Savant Zuser Whuloc
21st place
Nightsister Sinya Ani
22nd place
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
23rd place
Dasha Talus
24th place
Colonel Len Iode
25th place
Master Alaris Jinn
26th place
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
26th place
Empress Rayne Palpatine
28th place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
28th place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
30th place
Professional Nildea Vidh
31st place
Centam Javik
31st place
Seer Eiko
33rd place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
33rd place
Peacekeeper Eechee
35th place
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
36th place
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
37th place
Ascendant James Lucius Entar
38th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
39th place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
39th place
Mistress Aphotis
41st place
Warlord Pel Tarentae
41st place
Livia Mariquita Daffel
41st place
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
41st place
Warden Benn Nevis
45th place
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar
45th place
Elyon de Neverse