Monthly Mahjong: Most Rons in a Single Match
Live by the Ron, Die by the Ron
Event will be run using MahjongSoul commonly known as MahSoul, a free-to-play online Riichi Mahjong game.

The Rules
- Grading will be based on the most rounds won by Ron in a single match; this can be achieved in any type of game (Friendly Match, Ranking Match, etc.)
- Only matches played during the period of the competition will be accepted as valid
- To qualify, you must have your MahSoul account name associated with your Dossier as an "Other Gaming ID" in order to match to the submitted score
- Submitted screenshots should contain your MahSoul account name and the list of Riichi/Ron/Tsumo/Deal-Ins for the match; this information can be obtained by clicking the Expand arrow in the lower-right corner of the match in the Log menu

- Ties will be broken based on lowest amount of Deal-Ins
As a DJB-wide competition, rewards will be presented as 2nd Tier Crescents:
- First Place: Crescent with Ruby Star
- Second Place: Crescent with Amethyst Star
- Third Place: Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Additional Crescents for placement available at high participation levels