Competition: [KOA] A Quick Detour

[KOA] A Quick Detour

The Pride lands to any planetary location of your choosing, for a quick detour to take a weekend vacation. Perhaps it’s a five star hotel, an underground casino, a beach location, or perhaps even just to your character’s own home.

Where does your character decide to take a vacation? How does the vacation go, who accompanies your character if anyone, and what events (or chaos) ensue?

  • Please submit your entry as a PDF
  • Entries must meet a minimum of 500 words
  • Entries will be graded according to fiction rubric 3.0
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[KOA] A Corellian Corvette Homecoming
Organized by
Aedile Syrena Valkar
Running time
2025-03-12 until 2025-04-12 (about 1 month)
Ends in
16 days (2025-04-12 23:59:59 UTC/18:59:59 EST)
Target Unit
Battleteam Knights Of Allusis
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
2 subscribers, of which 0 have already participated.