Simple fiction competition telling a story of your dream mission, quest, or hunt.
Its been a long day and you are sitting with your friends in the cantina having a few cold drinks. As always, after a few, the talk turns to epic quests, side missions that you dreamed about, or in the case of Mandalorians, the Dream Hunt. What would be your dream quest? Would it be an epic adventure, tracking down a legend in the Galaxy? Or would it be smaller in scale like settling down and living a good life? Or have you already completed your dream quest? If so, tell the story of what you accomplished.
Story can be told using your main or alternate character(s) or even both. Entries need to be at least 500 words to place. Less for participation. Entries will be graded by the fiction rubric 3.0 Please submit entries as .pdf files or textbox entries.
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