Participants will compete in five seperate competition "events" dealing with the development of their own RP character for the upcoming GJW and miscellaneous fiction they might compose. The individual events follow:
1)Character Description - the individual will describe their character as they see him/her/it. There will be no length requirement, but extra points will be awarded for detail.
2)Character Mannerisms - the individual will detail the mannerisms and speech patterns of their character (ie: oft-repeated gestures, gait, favorite words/phrases, etc) as well as why these mannerisms came into being.
3)Character Motivations - the individual will expound upon the motivations of their character: what drives them to be a Dark Jedi, what their goal is in life, and what they wish to accomplish in the near future and long term.
4)Character Eccentricities - the individual will list any eccentricities/quirks their character may have which differentiate their personality from that of others.
5)Character Values - the individual will name the trait/quality/thing which their character values most, and explain why it is of the utmost value for them.
.txt or .rtf documents formated to be read in Notepad or Wordpad.
Note on overall awards: Each entry (and the overall score) will be graded very harshly, so while the SE is a bit much, they will have to perform exceptionally in each of the events to earn it. If no one does well enough, I simply won't award it (same for the Dark Cross).
Individual Events: 1)Crescent w/Sapphire (Cr-1S) 2)Crescent w/Emerald (Cr-1E) 3)Crescent w/Topaz (Cr-1T)
Overall Score: 1)Star of Eos (SE) 2)Dark Cross (DC) 3)Crescent w/Sapphire (Cr-1S)
Nobody has participated in this competition.