The ground battle is over, the twisted bodies of clone troopers litter the battlefield. The Kamioan complex is ours for the taking. But between now and victory lies an immense underground complex, the final elite of the clone army guard their halls to fight to the last, sophisticated automated defence systems lay in wait to defeat even the most cunning infiltrator, this is the final struggle for supremecy on Jaginos.
The task now for the Sith and Krath of Clan Naga Sadow is to pick their way through the Kaminoan underground complex, and you are amongst them Describe your journey and that of your comrades, do you sneak through remaining unseen, or do you draw your saber and cleave your way through? And what happens in the end of this final battle?
The choice is yours, write a fiction describing your part in this conquest.
Entries to myself, Manesh, Muz and Sildrin.
Approved by Consul Manesh Sadow
3rd Level Crescents for 1st 2nd and 3rd, score goes towards overall score.
Nobody has participated in this competition.