The planet Fwillsving, in the nearby Calaron sector, supplies the Dark Brotherhood with food and munitions. The planet is independant and ruled by a twelve-member ruling council. The chair of the council, Marrilanya dos Sava, has been in touch with the Galactic Alliance about membership. It is believed she intends to betray the DB and deliver Fwillsving to the Alliance. It is not known if other council members are involved in her plot. Other factors at work on the planet are the mining guild, a small wealthy class, and a nascent labor union movement among the slaves working in the factories. Political stability must be insured on a planet that delivers needed supplies to the Dark Brotherhood. How would you go about solving the problem?
MS Word, etc.
Min. length 4 pages. Max. length 10 pages. I have the approval of Alex Church, Quaestor of Oriens Obscurum.
Third level crescents.
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