Each October, Tarentum focuses inward to compete amongst each other, as well as to remember where our Clan has been, who has shaped it, as well as who is shaping it now. The Clan goes where its members take it.
This History Month competition will have several different events that will also be bound together by fictional background and Clan-shaping events.
The Events: -Clan Run-on -Weekly Clan trivia in #tarentum (4 separate trivia events to be run on Saturdays in October.) -Wiki Creation (members will create, update or enhance their wikis, and submit their URL to the Clan Summit and be judged.) -Fiction (two separate events, each having two weeks to create a story of at least 1,000 words surrounding the events of the competition; specifics to be revealed to the members starting October 1.) -Gaming (Members will take the opportunity to game on Brotherhood gaming nights all week, and the more they do for the Clan efforts, the more they earn by "making history" themselves; matches submitted to me by email in addition to the Brotherhood submission form.) -MS Paint (Members will have the opportunity to create graphics in paint, meant to be humorous and easy; two separate events, each having two weeks time to create.) -ACC Training (Members will sign up and be paired together for cooperative ACC battles. These battles will be intended to help train the less experienced writers, but also to involve them in the fictional happenings of the competition. This is one event that will last the entire competition, but battle scenarios will change throughout the competition.)
-Writing (to be submitted in .doc or .rtf format) -MS Paint -All DJB Games -Allegiance
Third-level Crescents for each event (barring issues with participation)
Nobody has participated in this competition.