The name pretty much speaks for it self. I ask 10 questions about star wars. Everyone who gets all the questions correct will get a Legion of the Scholar. This will be available to all of the Clan to join. Here are the questions:
What was the name of Darth Vader's first flagship?
What was the title of the leader of the Sith Order?
What Yuuzhan Vong deity was Jaina Solo believed to be by the aliens?
What was General Grievous' real name?
What lightsaber form was Obi-Wan Kenobi a master of?
What special Force Power did Bastila Shan possess?
What was Darth Krayt's real name?
What was Jacen Solo's Sith name?
Who killed Mara Jade Skywalker?
Who manufactured Imperial-Class Star Destroyers?
Good Luck everyone.
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Approved by Consul Bloodfyre and Rollmaster Telona.
Legion of the Scholar Awards for anyone who gets all the questions right.
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